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AMERICAN JOURNAL OF THE MEDICAL SCIENCES; FEB 2023, 365 pS68-pS68, 1p. Supplement: 1
Hao, S.
Cossen, K.
Vellanki, P.
DB Label
Database : Science Citation Index Expanded


Greenbaum, C.
Atkinson, M.
Baidal, D.
Battaglia, M.
Bingley, P.
Bosi, E.
Buckner, J.
Clements, M.
Colman, P.
DiMeglio, L.
Evans-Molina, C.
Gitelman, S.
Goland, R.
Gottlieb, P.
Herold, K.
Knip, M.
Krischer, J.
Lernmark, A.
Moore, W.
Moran, A.
Muir, A.
Palmer, J.
Peakman, M.
Philipson, L.
Raskin, P.
Redondo, M.
Rodriguez, H.
Russell, W.
Spain, L.
Schatz, D. A.
Sosenko, J.
Wherrett, D.
Wilson, D.
Winter, W.
Ziegler, A.
Anderson, M.
Antinozzi, P.
Benoist, C.
Blum, J.
Bourcier, K.
Chase, P.
Clare-Salzler, M.
Clynes, R.
Cowie, C.
Eisenbarth, G.
Fathman, C. G.
Grave, G.
Harrison, L.
Hering, B.
Insel, R.
Jordan, S.
Kaufman, F.
Kay, T.
Kenyon, N.
Klines, R.
Lachin, J.
Leschek, E.
Mahon, J.
Marks, J. B.
Monzavi, R.
Nanto-Salonen, K.
Nepom, G.
Orban, T.
Parkman, R.
Pescovitz, M.
Peyman, J.
Pugliese, A.
Ridge, J.
Roep, B.
Roncarolo, M.
Savage, P.
Simell, O.
Sherwin, R.
Siegelman, M.
Skyler, J. S.
Thomas, J.
Trucco, M.
Wagner, J.
Bourcier, Katarzyna
Greenbaum, Carla J.
Krischer, Jeffrey P.
Leschek, Ellen
Rafkin, Lisa
Spain, Lisa
Cowie, Catherine
Foulkes, Mary
Insel, Richard
Krause-Steinrauf, Heidi
Lachin, John M.
Malozowski, Saul
Peyman, John
Ridge, John
Savage, Peter
Skyler, Jay S.
Zafonte, Stephanie J.
Sosenko, Jaym.
Kenyon, Norma S.
Santiago, Irene
Bundy, Brian
Abbondondolo, Michael
Adams, Timothy
Asif, Darlene Amado Ilma
Boonstra, Matthew
Boulware, David
Burroughs, Cristina
Cuthbertson, David
Eberhard, Christopher
Fiske, Steve
Ford, Julie
Garmeson, Jennifer
Guillette, Heather
Geyer, Susan
Hays, Brian
Henderson, Courtney
Henry, Martha
Heyman, Kathleen
Hsiao, Belinda
Karges, Christina
Kinderman, Amanda
Lane, Lindsay
Leinbach, Ashley
Liu, Shu
Lloyd, Jennifer
Malloy, Jamie
Maddox, Kristin
Martin, Julie
Miller, Jessica
Moore, Margaret
Muller, Sarah
Nguyen, Thuy
O'Donnell, Ryan
Parker, Melissa
Pereyra, M. J.
Reed, Nichole
Roberts, Amy
Sadler, Kelly
Stavros, Tina
Tamura, Roy
Wood, Keith
Xu, Ping
Young, Kenneth
Alies, Persida
Badias, Franz
Baker, Aaron
Bassi, Monica
Beam, Craig
Bounmananh, London
Bream, Susan
Deemer, Mary
Freeman, Doug
Gough, Jessica
Ginem, Jinin
Granger, Moriah
Holloway, Mary
Kieffer, Michelle
Lane, Page
Law, Pat
Linton, Cristin
Nallamshetty, Lavanya
Oduah, Vanessa
Parrimon, Yazandra
Paulus, Kate
Pilger, Jennifer
Ramiro, Joy
Ritzie, A. Qesha Luvon
Sharma, Archana
Shor, Audrey
Song, Xiaohong
Terry, Amanda
Weinberger, Jeanne
Wootten, Margaret
Harding, Mary Foulkes Pamela
McDonough, Susan
Mcgee, Paula F.
Hess, Kimberly Owens
Phoebus, Donna
Quinlan, Scott
Raiden, Erica
Fradkin, Judith
Beck, Gerald
Blumberg, Emily
Gubitosi-Klug, Rose
Laffel, Lori
Veatch, Robert
Wallace, Dennis
Braun, Jonathan
Brillon, David
Lernmark, Ake
Lo, Bernard
Mitchell, Herman
Naji, Ali
Nerup, Jorn
Orchard, Trevor
Steffes, Michael
Tsiatis, Anastasios
Zinman, Bernard
Loechelt, Brett
Baden, Lindsey
Green, Michael
Weinberg, Adriana
Marcovina, Santica
Palmer, Jerry P.
Yu, Liping
Winter, William
Shultz, Annie
Batts, Emily
Fitzpatrick, Kristin
Ramey, Mary
Guerra, Randy
Webb, Christopher
Caffey, F.
Carr, L.
Ergun-Longmire, B.
Fenton, C.
Giebner, D.
Johnson, J.
Maglionico, D.
Marinelli, M.
Martin, K.
Minnozzi, E.
Riley, W.
Wilson, M.
Gougeon, C.
Ho, J.
Huang, C.
Pacaud, D.
Virtanen, H.
Craig, C.
Ghatak, A.
Henderson, T.
Leyland, H.
Padmore, K.
Paul, P.
Brickman, W.
Halsey-Lyda, M.
Petrie, P.
Rizzo, D.
Steuer, R.
Suchyta, K.
Torchen, L.
Zimmerman, D.
Bode, B.
Dial, M.
Gazaway, K.
Hosey, R.
Alkanani, A.
Barker, J.
Barr, M.
Blau, A.
Burdick, P.
Burke, B.
Chase, H.
Drye, M.
Escobar, E.
Fitzgerald-Miller, L.
Fouts, A.
Gage, V.
Gall, E.
Goettle, H.
Harris, S.
Ketchum, K.
King, M.
Klingensmith, G.
Lehr, D.
Lehr, J.
Lewis, L.
Logsden-Sackett, N.
Lykens, J.
Maahs, D.
Michels, A.
Pelletier, S.
Rihanek, M.
Rodriguez, P.
Schauwecker, A.
Simmons, K.
Smith, J.
Steck, A.
Tran, B.
Tran, T.
Wadwa, P.
Wagner, R.
Wright, H.
Betancourt, J.
Bui, V.
DeSalvo, D.
Gomez, D.
Jake, K.
Lynds, J.
McCartney, T.
McDonald, A.
Pena, S.
Pietropaolo, M.
Shippy, K.
Zheng, X.
Allen, L.
Batts, E.
Brown, T.
Dove, A.
Graziano, E.
Hao, W.
Harrington, R.
Hefty, D.
Kang, D.
Klein, J.
Kuhns, K.
Lamola, S.
Lettau, M.
Lord, S.
Machmer, H.
McCulloch-Olson, M.
Miller, L.
Odegard, J.
Ramey, M.
Romasco, M.
Russell, B.
Sachter, E.
Sanda, S.
Scheuffele, T.
Shultz, A.
Snavely, J.
St Marie, M.
Tobin, M.
Tordillos, C.
Tridgell, D.
VanBuecken, D.
Varner, K.
Vellek, B.
Vendettuoli, H.
Vizzutti, M.
Webber, C.
Wickstrom, N.
Ackerman, K.
Gunville, F.
Nelson, T.
Aston, K.
Barrett, T.
Dale, K.
Gray, Z.
Kershaw, M.
Makusha, L.
McTernan, C.
Okwu, F.
Penny-Thomas, K.
Surplice, I.
Frattaroli, P.
Gihawi, A.
Kanumakala, S.
Laycock, C.
Ramsay, R.
Symes, L.
Wlazly, D.
Healy, F.
Bowden, K.
Doughty, I.
Haydock, H.
Kennedy, K.
Parker, V.
Plimmer, N.
Swart, L.
Wood, C.
Leyva, C.
Padilla, J.
Rodriguez, I.
Ahmad, T.
Bhatia, S.
Conrad, S.
Egli, C.
Flores, B.
Higa, A.
Leong, K.
Ng, V.
Oakes, S.
Olson, J.
Blackmore, A.
Bradley, B.
Cooper, T.
Courtney, J.
Lawson, M.
Richardson, C.
Watson, C.
Blind, J.
Bowden, S.
Bowen, B.
Carter, K.
Cecrle, M.
Chaudhari, M.
Cherko, J.
Dyer, J.
Ellis, K.
Haines, J.
Hapanowicz, C.
Hardin, D.
Henwood, M.
Hoffman, R.
Lamberjack, K.
Leary, J.
Lewis, S.
Mhaskar, R.
Rowe, S.
Schoeginger, L.
Stiltner, T.
Bock, M.
Castaneda, N.
Fisher, L.
Geffner, M.
Gonzalez, M.
Halvorson, M.
Hisakado, M.
Jeandron, D.
Kwan, K.
Marks, L.
Medina, B.
Miller, D.
Ng, E.
Salazar, C.
Tjauw, A.
Wood, J.
Woods, A.
Xu, Y.
Chalew, S.
Daniels, J.
Gomez, R.
Lala, A.
Layburn, S.
Meyers, M.
Sonnier, S.
Valley, S.
Ayala, N.
Bhangoo, A.
Bowen, S.
Cervisi, J.
Chase, Y.
Clark, S.
Daniels, M.
Flannery, T.
Forghani, N.
Humphrey, L.
Krause, G.
Less, J.
Lester, S.
Magedman, G.
Montgomery, K.
Preasmyer, S.
Quintana, R.
Randhawa, R.
Reh, C.
Speer, H.
Stockton, W.
Sutton, F.
Tran, A.
Trihn, L.
Tu, K.
Varni, N.
Ackermann, A.
Capella, C.
Clark, C.
Gralewski, K.
Hawkes, C.
Kim, R.
Katz, L. Levitt
Liilii, R.
McKenzie, O.
Murphy, K.
Norris, M.
Orellana, J.
Schwartzman, B.
Sheth, S.
Volpe, R.
Willi, S.
Heenan, H.
Hodgman, S.
Kendall, D.
Logan, F.
Lunt, H.
Willis, J.
Crimmins, N.
Elder, D.
Lagory, D.
Schultz, C.
Stamper, M.
Weis, T.
Armbruster, D.
Konstantinopoulus, P.
Latham, D.
Markle, T.
Mawhorter, C.
Rizk, M.
Rogers, D.
Schmidt, N.
Switzer, C.
Bokor, L.
DeMers, C.
Pellizzari, M.
Speiser, P.
Cook, S.
Dinapoli, G.
Eng, C.
Engelman, H.
Freeby, M.
Gallagher, M.
Gandica, R.
Greenberg, E.
Jezioro, J.
Kurland, A.
Leibel, N.
Levine, E.
Maher, C.
Nieva, D.
Parra, Z.
Pollak, S.
Pope, K.
Ridder, R.
Scotto, M.
Softness, B.
Uche, E.
Williams, K.
Wolk, A.
Zhang, H.
Burns, C.
Casey, J.
Doty, B.
Horton, J.
Moore, H.
Pritchard, C.
Wynne, A.
Brown, L.
Cordrey, C.
Dowshen, S.
Doyle, D.
Kidd, G.
Marrs, L.
Miller, T.
Reeves, G.
Brousell, C. Swenson
Hendry, G.
Manning, P.
Ali, A.
Collier, H.
Del Rio, A.
Gardner, C.
Logan, A.
Patel, I.
Ramtoola, S.
Rishton, C.
Robinson, D.
Whalley, G.
Childs, E.
Dothard, C.
Jordan, K.
Batajoo, R. Joshi
Kerrigan, J.
Nickels, D.
Tapiador, C.
Van Audenhove, J.
Wirthwein, E.
Allen, C.
Anderson, K.
Michaud, D.
Sadurska, K.
Snodgrass, H.
Antich, A.
Brown, M.
Clark-Stuart, T.
Cossen, K.
Fadoju, D.
Felner, E.
Greber, G.
Ivie, E.
Jenkins, M.
Kwapil, L.
Lindsley, K.
Panagiotakopoulos, L.
Raviele, N.
Sanchez, W.
Shuler, S.
Davis, A.
Gillespie, I.
Kane, V.
Koval, T.
Manchester, T.
Parker, S.
Rulevitch, N.
Weber, S.
Amrhein, J.
Frost, C.
Hannah, D.
Looper, L.
Moreland, E.
Nelson, B.
Owens, C.
Peggram, J.
Phillips, J.
Reifeis, E.
Andel, A.
Arrieta, P.
Bena, P.
Couch, R.
Deol, S.
Gordon, M.
Lieberman, D.
Martin, J.
Neiley, R.
Qureshi, S.
Sadiasa, G.
Baldwin, J.
Helden, E.
McAssey, K.
Brunskill, C.
Clarke, A.
Collins, A.
Dinning, L.
Hammond, P.
Idrees, T.
Jones, H.
Meredith, S.
Moull, A.
Rahman, S.
Ray, S.
Annillo, S.
Briones, T.
Saad, R.
Adamsson, A.
Iljamo, M.
Jokipuu, S.
Kallio, T.
Karlsson, L.
Kero, J.
Leppanen, M.
Mantymaki, E.
Nurmi, B.
Rajala, P.
Romo, M.
Rouhiainen, J.
Ruohonen, E.
Simell, S.
Simell, T.
Suomenrinne, S.
Toppari, J.
Torma, M.
Wahlback, J.
Cummings, E.
Mokashi, A.
Murphy, W.
Pinto, T.
Scott, K.
Tiller, M.
Allard, M.
Anders, J.
Book, B.
Cox, D.
Davies, V.
DeYampert, L.
Dykstra, E.
Effinger, J.
Eugster, E.
Ford, L.
Fuqua, J.
Haddad, N.
Hannon, T.
Hildinger, M.
Hufferd, R.
Imel, E.
Jagielo, B.
Johnson, A.
Johnson, N.
Kost, B.
Kruse, C.
Laskowski, P.
Leung, E.
Mantravadi, M.
Melvin, E.
Mirmira, R.
Mott, L.
Mullen, M.
Murphy, R.
Nabhan, Z.
Nebesio, T.
Newnum, A.
Nicholson-Spall, M.
Patrick, V.
Pfeiffer, J.
Purtlebaugh, D.
Rigby, M.
Sanchez, J.
Sims, E.
Swan, E.
Acharya, S.
Garvey, L.
Stormer, J.
Bzdick, S.
Conboy, P.
Doolittle, S.
Izquierdo, R.
Sills, I.
Weinstock, R.
Alleyn, C.
Bryant, N.
Conboy, D.
Demanbey, A.
Fay, S.
Gaglia, J.
Jackson, R.
Jalahej, H.
Koshy, N.
Krishfield, S.
Migre, M.
Montero, M.
Resnick, B.
Ricker, A.
Szubowicz, S.
Turley, J.
Weir, G.
Wolfsdorf, J.
Balapatebendi, M.
Barradell, A.
Cheney, S.
Greening, J.
Hay, F.
Hunt, S.
Punniyakodi, S.
Sikotra, N.
Sundaram, P.
Thanawala, N.
Voce, R.
Biggs, J.
Faherty, A.
Jefferies, C.
Mannering, S.
Prentis, R.
Baskerville, T.
Cotterill, A.
Harris, M.
Kirby, J.
Cheetham, T.
Clark, Y.
Cullen, K.
Curry, G.
Dixon, J.
Leech, N.
Logan, M.
Porter, J.
Richardson, V.
Short, K.
Thomson, E.
Wake, D.
Wotherspoon, J.
Wynn, L.
Brennan, C.
Ellis-Gage, J.
Fear, L.
Few, K.
Gibbons, J.
Gray, T.
Hill, J.
Jones, L.
McNerney, C.
Oakley, S.
Price, N.
Rajan, S.
Roper, H.
Thalange, N.
Tomlinson, D.
Babington, G.
Coupe, A.
Crate, L.
Denvir, L.
Gazis, T.
Hooton, Y.
Mansell, P.
Petrova, B.
Saxton, M.
Silkstone, O.
Spick, D.
Sudera, S.
Cooper, J.
Hall, S.
Lizanna, M.
Pandya, P.
Ramsey, K.
Ratti, P.
Sanders, C.
Stewart, S.
Uwaifo, G.
Ahmann, A.
Bogan, C.
Cain, N.
Chambers, V.
DeFrang, D.
Fitch, R.
Guttman-Bauman, I.
Hanavan, K.
Jahnke, K.
Klopfenstein, B.
Lester, L.
Muhly, R.
Nicol, L.
Raymond, J.
Wollam, B.
Cortes, L.
Dingle, A.
Duff, L.
Elio, L.
Fedorchenko, L.
Goulet-Ingram, R.
Gutierrez, J.
Hollis, S.
Hyderkhan, C.
Hyderkhan, M.
Kellogg, S.
Klugh, S.
Langarica, D.
Leslie, C.
Luna, J.
Maceda, D.
Miller, A.
Nakhle, D.
Nakhle, S.
Neylon, E.
O'Sullivan, M.
Palal, B.
Pedraza, S.
Poynor, S.
Ramiro, J.
Ramos, M.
Rosario, A.
Sandry, S.
Stricklin, K.
Sushenko, N.
Torres, P.
Valle, M.
Vernetti, N.
Westerman, K.
Alvi, S.
Clapham, M.
English, P.
Greatrex, J.
Khan, H.
Millward, A.
Storr, E.
Dart, J.
Jones, T.
Baldwin, D.
Bruckner, J.
Conroy, C.
Culbertson, J.
Edelen, R.
Ferkovich, M.
Voorhees, D.
Wasson, M.
Williams, A.
Barbieri, K.
Browning, G.
Coughenour, T.
Heagy, N.
Judge, H.
Liljenquist, D.
Sulik, M.
Connon, M.
Abid, N.
Beckett, R.
Bell, P.
Harvey, C.
McFarland, M.
McGlone, O.
Tennet, H.
Wells, B.
Beamish, N.
Cavan, D.
Cooke, D.
Graja, A.
Nation, M.
Sanders, P.
Vickers, C.
Walker, J.
Watling, R.
Estcourt, S.
Foden, A.
Gordon, E.
Harrill, C.
Ireland, J.
Jones, N.
Moudiotis, C.
Piper, J.
Scaife, L.
Vaidya, B.
Walton-Salih, E.
Whitmore, H.
Wilkins, S.
Wilkinson, L.
Belloni, C.
Bianconi, E.
Bolla, A.
Bonfanti, R.
Bonopane, M.
Corti, M.
Costa, S.
Falqui, L.
Fontana, B.
Galluccio, E.
Grogan, P.
Laurenzi, A.
Lombardoni, C.
Martinenghi, S.
Meschi, F.
Molinari, C.
Molteni, L.
Monti, L.
Pastore, M.
Privitera, D.
Ragogna, F.
Spadoni, S.
Stabilini, A.
Vecchione, F.
Viscardi, M.
Al Nofal, A.
Albers, D.
Austad, S.
Austin, S.
Bartholow, L.
Brantz-Miller, A.
Broadbent, M.
Brosnahan, J.
Cortes, G.
Coyne, C.
Davis-Keppen, L.
Griffin, K.
Hahn, D.
Hanisch, K.
Hanson, D.
Hauge, C.
Hein, T.
Howard, J.
Huber, C.
Karmazin, A.
Keller, L.
Kirschbaum, S.
Klinghagen, R.
Krabbenhoft, B.
Krell, E.
Meier, J.
Olson, C.
Prenger, S.
Sandman, C.
Shelso, J.
Springman, C.
Thompson, M.
Vandermark, J.
Vanveldhuizen, A.
Wurgler, J.
Zimmerman, A.
Alving, E.
Benitez, S.
Bryant, S.
Cochrane, K.
DiBlasi, C.
Fechner, P.
Gama, K.
Harry, J.
Jacob, S.
Kearns, S.
Klingsheim, M.
Knutzen, S.
Kong, A.
Koves, I.
Loots, B.
Malik, F.
Mano, E.
Martinez, O.
Nandi-Munshi, D.
Ness, K.
O'Connor, R.
Pihoker, C.
Roth, C.
Salehi, P.
Semana, S.
Sexton, A.
Taplin, C.
Yaptangco, M.
Bull, J.
Gormley, S.
Jones, K.
Redfearn, K.
Shackleton, J.
Smith, H.
Strong, L.
Thomas, L.
Viles, L.
Wright, N.
Kordel, J. Akerstrom
Agardh, C.
Ahlkvist, L.
Ask, M.
Berggren, S.
Borg, H.
Gerardsson, J.
Gustavsson, B.
Hakansson, R.
Hansen, M.
Hansson, G.
Jarvirova, M.
Jonsdottir, B.
Katsarou, A.
Kulinski, M.
Larsson, H.
Lind, A.
Lindstrom, M.
Lundgren, M.
Massadakis, T.
Melin, J.
Mestan, Z.
Mulder, H.
Nilsson, C.
Rosengren, A.
Salami, F.
Skarstrand, H.
Tekum-Amboh, E.
Torn, C.
Ulvenhag, U.
Wimar, A.
Arthur, T.
Buchanan, M.
Cardoni, C.
Christensen, R.
Filicetti, M.
Gerrard, X.
Haven, K.
Ioli, M.
Jackson, J.
Jones, E.
Kauk, K.
Koehler, B.
Nihill, K.
Parra, B.
Russell, N.
Schott, S.
Tawney, L.
Taylor, L.
Waldren, C.
Watsen, S.
Whitham, L.
Atkins, M.
Aye, T.
Bachrach, L.
Baker, B.
Barahona, K.
Berry, B.
Buckingham, B.
Chau, C.
Crossen, S.
Espinoza, O.
Esrey, T.
Kumar, R.
Ly, T.
Nally, L.
Patel, P.
Seeley, H.
Shah, A.
Shah, S.
Soto, A.
Stenerson, M.
Kioroglo, Y.
Mann, C.
Marlen, N.
Nadgir, U.
Olsen-Wilson, K.
Prakasam, G.
Bunk, M.
Chmiel, R.
Fischer, F.
Gavrisan, A.
Haupt, F.
Heinrich, M.
Herbst, M.
Hivner, S.
Hofelich, A.
Holzmaier, M.
Kriesen, Y.
Lagoda, N.
Loebner, S.
Maison, N.
Mau, E.
Peplow, C.
Puff, R.
Ramminger, C.
Sebelefsky, C.
Walter, M.
Warncke, K.
Zillmer, S.
Babar, G.
Bedard, J.
Bloom, K.
Broussard, J.
Bruce, C.
Cernich, J.
Clifton, T.
Craig, E.
Drees, A.
Duprau, R.
Feldt, M.
Fridlington, A.
Goodman, S.
Hess, K.
Hester, L.
Huseman, C.
Kim, E.
King, A.
Kover, K.
Luetjen, T.
McDonough, R.
Musick, T.
Newman, K.
Nichols, C.
Peterson, K.
Raman, S.
Reddig, N.
Swiderski, S.
Tong, P.
Turpin, A.
Ugrasbul, F.
Watkins, D.
Weigel, S.
Whisenhunt, M.
Wierson, J.
Wilcox, R.
Wolfe, D.
Zacharko, P.
Zebley, J.
Albini, C.
Bethin, K.
Borowski, R.
Buchlis, J.
Ecker, M.
Elsinghorst, H.
Fourtner, S.
Gartner, L.
Gorman, E.
House, A.
Kraengel, K.
Krolczyk, A.
Majumdar, I.
Marrone, A.
Mastrandrea, L.
Michalovic, S.
Musial, W.
Quattrin, T.
Russell, M.
Rychlicki, L.
Shelat, T.
Shine, B.
Sickau, J.
Van der Kloet, E.
Young, B.
Ahenkorah, B.
Balmer, D.
Bedford, M.
Cevallos, J.
Chapman, K.
De Lima, S.
Duong, T.
Eisel, L.
Fiset, J.
Harrington, J.
Kovalakovska, R.
Mehan, M.
Nguyen, H.
Perro, B.
Ricci, M.
Roode, A.
Sriskandarajah, M.
Steger, R.
Sultan, F.
Aslanov, R.
Crummell, C.
Hagerty, D.
Newhook, L.
Penney, S.
Stokes, J.
Beck, J.
Copeland, K.
George, M.
Larson, S.
Lopez, C.
Roof, A.
Schanuel, J.
Sparling, D.
Tryggestad, J.
Lee, M.
Shaw, B.
Bobik, C.
Bollepalli, S.
Brownstein, R.
Diamond, F.
Eyth, E.
Henson, D.
Iyer, P.
Jorgensen, V.
Norman, J.
O'Brian, J.
Shulman, D.
Smith, L.
Steinbrueck, J.
Terry, A.
Tindell, S.
Garza, A.
Grohman, C.
Hale, D.
Kral, J.
Tragus, R.
Word, D.
Holloway, S.
Lighton, B.
Morgan, R.
Narendran, P.
Smith, D.
Ambrose, M.
Chin, C.
Durazo, G.
Gonzalez-Garcia, Z.
Hollis, M.
Senguttuvan, R.
Stuehm, C.
Wheeler, M.
Aitken, R.
Castleden, H.
Farthing, N.
Hughes, T.
Loud, S.
Matthews, C.
Mcgee, J.
Morgan, A.
Munoz, P.
Pollitt, J.
Pope, C.
Rouquette, C.
Thorne, B.
Baynham, S.
Gardiner, S.
Genereaux, D.
Jantzen, C.
Lai, J.
Lutley, P.
Mammon, B.
Membreve, J.
Metzger, D.
Morrison, K.
Nguyen, D.
Panagiotopoulos, C.
Ronsley, C.
Roston, A.
Suen, J.
Abalos, M.
Adi, S.
Auerback, G.
Berhel, A.
Bomberg, E.
Breen, K.
Buchanan, J.
Cook, A.
Cakmak, A. Erkin
Ferrara, C.
Fields, S.
Finney, Z.
Fraser, K.
Gonzalez, A. Gerard
Ghods, S.
Hamid, L.
Hamilton, C.
Hawkins, L.
Honrada, R.
Huang, A.
Jain, A.
Jossan, P.
Ko, K.
Larocque, N.
Lilley, B.
Long, R.
Lustig, D. Ludwig R.
Ly, E.
Malik, A.
Melaku, A.
Moassesfar, S.
Mugg, A.
Ng, D.
O'Brien, C.
Perez, E.
Phelps, S.
Prahalod, P.
Ramos, E.
Lugo, M. Rangel
Rodriguez, T.
Arao, A.
Demeterco-Berggren, C.
Duong, J.
Gottschalk, M.
Hashiguchi, M.
Kelly, T.
Marinkovic, M.
Marois, N.
Newfield, R.
Phillips, S.
Rosenblum, D.
Abdullah, N.
Dunger, D.
Gilbert, A.
Guy, C.
Hendricks, E.
May, J.
Salgin, B.
Thankamony, A.
Vyse, N.
Watts, A.
Whitehead, K.
Whitehead, L.
Willemsen, R.
Williams, R.
Wingate, D.
Devine, N.
Gannon, G.
Grant, T.
Letourneau, L.
Littlejohn, E.
Norstrom, M.
O'Malley, T.
Abraham, A.
Agustin, E.
Albanese-O'Neill, A.
Beltz, S.
Cole, G.
Cook, R.
Coy, R.
Ferguson, J.
Ferguson, R.
Haller, M.
Hicks, E.
Hosford, J.
Jacobsen, L.
Johnson, M.
Kahler, D.
Kerr, N.
Kimsey, R.
Lucas, A.
Meehan, C.
Paguio, G.
Rohrs, H.
Schatz, D.
Smith, M.
Towe, P.
White, D.
Zimmerman, C.
Hamalainen, J.
Harkonen, T.
Helander, S.
Hero, M.
Hirvasniemi, M.
Isoaho, K.
Jaminki, S.
Joutsjoki, L.
Kalliola, P.
Kararic, M.
Koski, K.
Koski, M.
Koski, M. L.
Koskinen, M.
Kytola, J.
Laamanen, T.
Latva-Koivisto, M.
Laurinen, S.
Mustila, T.
Nyblom, M.
Ollila, I.
Pekkola, M.
Salonen, K.
Selvenius, J.
Siljamaki, S.
Siljander, H.
Snygg, S.
Suomalainen, H.
Suomi, A.
Tuomaala, A.
Cabbage, J.
Coffey, J.
Hobbs, T.
Johnson, K.
Martin, M.
Rosazza, S.
Tansey, M.
Tsalikian, E.
Deuser, A.
Foster, M.
Pierce, G.
Rayborn, L.
Rodriguez-Luna, M.
Rush, H.
Wintergerst, K.
Bloomfield, E.
Catte, D.
Dean, H.
Ferens, H.
Kerr, L.
Kozak, B.
Maharaj, R.
Marks, S.
Minuk, L.
Rossum, K.
Sneesby, K.
Stierman, T.
Sucharov-Benarroch, A.
Taback, S.
Woo, V.
Yakimoski, A.
Allende, G.
Arazo, L.
Arce, R.
Blaschke, C.
Marks, J.
Matheson, D.
Sanders-Branca, N.
Snowhite, I.
Burant, C.
Chen, M.
Haddad, A.
Herman, W.
Hooks, H.
Martin, C.
Menon, R.
Pietropaolo, S.
Plunkett, C.
Pop-Busui, R.
Soleimanpour, A.
Surhigh, J.
Thomas, I.
Wood, M.
Bartyzal, A.
Christianson, T.
Flaherty, N.
Forlenza, G.
Gibson, C.
Halper, A.
Halvorsen, T.
Hamdoun, E.
Helms, H.
Kwong, C.
Lee, C.
Leschyshyn, J.
Luke, D.
McVean, J.
Moran, T.
Nathan, B.
Omann, T.
Pappenfus, B.
Parchem, B.
Storo, K.
Street, A.
Sunni, M.
Tafuri, M.
Vang, N.
Weingartner, D.
Becker, D.
DeLallo, K.
Diaz, A.
Elnyczky, B.
Groscost, D.
Baldauff, N. Hecht
Hoffmann, P.
Ismail, H.
Klein, M.
Lamm, V.
Libman, I.
McDowell, K.
Minshall, V.
Pasek, B.
Riley, K.
Shelleby, C.
Sigmund, L.
Tas, E.
Yates, C.
Artman, H.
Johnson, B.
Jospe, N.
Orlowski, C.
Jackson, M.
Knight, L.
Szadek, L.
Thompson, B.
Welnick, G.
Al-Zubeidi, H.
Bansal, S.
Bissler, M.
Carroll, L.
Cockroft, J.
Dourisseau, D.
Ferry, R.
Foster, C.
Johnson, T.
Kassim, N.
Lee, K.
Logan, B.
Mazhar, G.
McCommon, D.
Moisan, A.
Parish, M.
Sands, C.
Sinha, S.
Thomas, A.
Thompson, L.
Trzil, J.
Wilson, N.
Green, L.
Harden, T.
Kreymer, R.
Mohan, A.
Pruneda, M.
Richard, J.
Schnurr-Breen, L.
Smith, O.
Sturges, D.
Torres, N.
Ziemian, L.
Allred, M.
Baker, S.
Calder, T.
Dansie, P.
Donaldson, D.
Garcia, E.
Jarrett, K.
Langvardt, J.
Lener, M.
Lusted, K.
Murray, M.
Reynolds, L.
Slater, H.
Thompson, D.
Underlin, K.
Vickers, L.
Wheeler, K.
Bere, L.
Clarson, C.
Gallego, P.
Lovell, M.
McCallum, J.
Stein, R.
Babington, B.
Barnes, K.
Black, M.
Bremer, A.
Brendle, F.
Brown, A.
Dixon, B.
Frazier, E.
Gregg, A.
Moore, D.
Mountz, G.
Olayinka, K.
Pittel, E.
Robertson, A.
Shah, K.
Shannon, A.
Yoder, S.
Anderson, T.
Bailey, D.
Basnet, D.
Branch, M.
Bruce, G.
Francis, G.
Hagan, S.
Henderson, G.
Khandan-Barani, M.
King, T.
Le, T.
Lemmons, J.
Miller, M.
Nesgoda, L.
Penn, M.
Schmid, J.
Shankar, R.
Usry, M.
Wickham, E.
Banks, W.
Brown, H.
Constantino, M.
Hutson, J.
Kellum, G.
Lagarde, W.
Lewis, M.
Lockemer, H.
McLaughlin, T.
Piszczak, M.
Reif, S.
Vanderploeg, T.
Andaloro, E.
Breen, C.
Dalgleish, N.
Fourlanos, S.
Gellert, S.
Hong, E.
Hsieh, C.
Mesfin, S.
Mohammed, E.
Redl, L.
Watson, K.
Wentworth, J.
Cresswell, P.
Faherty, H.
Gould, A.
Krebs, J.
Maister, C.
Ross, C.
Wiltshire, E.
Beresford, S.
Campbell, S.
Cortis, L.
Couper, J.
Cranwell, A.
Fairchild, J.
Richichi, K.
Abdelghany, O.
Feldman, L.
Forbes, N.
Huang, Y.
Kunze, K.
Rink, L.
Sherr, J.
Tamborlane, W.
Weinzimer, S.
Wurtz, A.
Yama, N.
Young, L.
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DB Label
Database : Science Citation Index Expanded






The New England journal of medicine [N Engl J Med] 2022 Sep 29; Vol. 387 (13), pp. 1161-1172.
Russell SJ; The authors' affiliations are as follows: the Diabetes Research Center, Massachusetts General Hospital (S.J.R., C.A.B., J.S.S., L.E.C., M.A.H., M.T., M.S.P., M.Y.S.), and Boston University (E.R.D.), Boston, and Beta Bionics, Concord (E.R.D., F.H.E.-K.) - all in Massachusetts; the Jaeb Center for Health Research, Tampa (R.W.B., K.J.R., Z.L., P.C.), and Nemours Children's Health Jacksonville, Jacksonville (N.M., M. Benson, K. Bird, K.E., J. Permuy) - both in Florida; the Barbara Davis Center for Diabetes, University of Colorado, Aurora (R.P.W., G.F., R.S., L.H.M., E.C., V.N.S., S.P.); Stanford University School of Medicine, Palo Alto (B.B., R.L., L.E., M.S.H., M. Basina), Children's Hospital of Orange County, Orange (M.D., A. Bhangoo, N.F., H.K., F.S.), and the University of California, San Diego, La Jolla (J. Pettus, S.B.) - all in California; Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland (K.Z., B.H., L.O.); University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas (P.R., P.C.W., A. Choudhary, J. Penn), and University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio (J.L., R.J., M.R., E.E., C.K., R.F.-P.); the University of Washington, Seattle (I.B.H., S.T.); the Naomi Berrie Diabetes Center, Columbia University, New York (R.G., K.M.W., N.L.); the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (J.B.B., M.S.K., K. Bergamo, K.R.K., J.M.D., S. Machineni, L.A.Y., J.C.D.); the Henry Ford Health System, Detroit (D.K., A. Bhan, J.K.J.); Emory University, Atlanta (A.M., K.C., E.F.); Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis (J.B.M., M.S., J.M.S., S.A., A. Cedeno); Children's National Hospital, Washington, DC (F.C., S. Meighan, A.D.); and the Pritzker Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Health, Ann and Robert Lurie Children's Hospital, Chicago (J.W.-B.).
Beck RW; The authors' affiliations are as follows: the Diabetes Research Center, Massachusetts General Hospital (S.J.R., C.A.B., J.S.S., L.E.C., M.A.H., M.T., M.S.P., M.Y.S.), and Boston University (E.R.D.), Boston, and Beta Bionics, Concord (E.R.D., F.H.E.-K.) - all in Massachusetts; the Jaeb Center for Health Research, Tampa (R.W.B., K.J.R., Z.L., P.C.), and Nemours Children's Health Jacksonville, Jacksonville (N.M., M. Benson, K. Bird, K.E., J. Permuy) - both in Florida; the Barbara Davis Center for Diabetes, University of Colorado, Aurora (R.P.W., G.F., R.S., L.H.M., E.C., V.N.S., S.P.); Stanford University School of Medicine, Palo Alto (B.B., R.L., L.E., M.S.H., M. Basina), Children's Hospital of Orange County, Orange (M.D., A. Bhangoo, N.F., H.K., F.S.), and the University of California, San Diego, La Jolla (J. Pettus, S.B.) - all in California; Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland (K.Z., B.H., L.O.); University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas (P.R., P.C.W., A. Choudhary, J. Penn), and University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio (J.L., R.J., M.R., E.E., C.K., R.F.-P.); the University of Washington, Seattle (I.B.H., S.T.); the Naomi Berrie Diabetes Center, Columbia University, New York (R.G., K.M.W., N.L.); the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (J.B.B., M.S.K., K. Bergamo, K.R.K., J.M.D., S. Machineni, L.A.Y., J.C.D.); the Henry Ford Health System, Detroit (D.K., A. Bhan, J.K.J.); Emory University, Atlanta (A.M., K.C., E.F.); Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis (J.B.M., M.S., J.M.S., S.A., A. Cedeno); Children's National Hospital, Washington, DC (F.C., S. Meighan, A.D.); and the Pritzker Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Health, Ann and Robert Lurie Children's Hospital, Chicago (J.W.-B.).
Damiano ER; The authors' affiliations are as follows: the Diabetes Research Center, Massachusetts General Hospital (S.J.R., C.A.B., J.S.S., L.E.C., M.A.H., M.T., M.S.P., M.Y.S.), and Boston University (E.R.D.), Boston, and Beta Bionics, Concord (E.R.D., F.H.E.-K.) - all in Massachusetts; the Jaeb Center for Health Research, Tampa (R.W.B., K.J.R., Z.L., P.C.), and Nemours Children's Health Jacksonville, Jacksonville (N.M., M. Benson, K. Bird, K.E., J. Permuy) - both in Florida; the Barbara Davis Center for Diabetes, University of Colorado, Aurora (R.P.W., G.F., R.S., L.H.M., E.C., V.N.S., S.P.); Stanford University School of Medicine, Palo Alto (B.B., R.L., L.E., M.S.H., M. Basina), Children's Hospital of Orange County, Orange (M.D., A. Bhangoo, N.F., H.K., F.S.), and the University of California, San Diego, La Jolla (J. Pettus, S.B.) - all in California; Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland (K.Z., B.H., L.O.); University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas (P.R., P.C.W., A. Choudhary, J. Penn), and University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio (J.L., R.J., M.R., E.E., C.K., R.F.-P.); the University of Washington, Seattle (I.B.H., S.T.); the Naomi Berrie Diabetes Center, Columbia University, New York (R.G., K.M.W., N.L.); the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (J.B.B., M.S.K., K. Bergamo, K.R.K., J.M.D., S. Machineni, L.A.Y., J.C.D.); the Henry Ford Health System, Detroit (D.K., A. Bhan, J.K.J.); Emory University, Atlanta (A.M., K.C., E.F.); Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis (J.B.M., M.S., J.M.S., S.A., A. Cedeno); Children's National Hospital, Washington, DC (F.C., S. Meighan, A.D.); and the Pritzker Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Health, Ann and Robert Lurie Children's Hospital, Chicago (J.W.-B.).
El-Khatib FH; The authors' affiliations are as follows: the Diabetes Research Center, Massachusetts General Hospital (S.J.R., C.A.B., J.S.S., L.E.C., M.A.H., M.T., M.S.P., M.Y.S.), and Boston University (E.R.D.), Boston, and Beta Bionics, Concord (E.R.D., F.H.E.-K.) - all in Massachusetts; the Jaeb Center for Health Research, Tampa (R.W.B., K.J.R., Z.L., P.C.), and Nemours Children's Health Jacksonville, Jacksonville (N.M., M. Benson, K. Bird, K.E., J. Permuy) - both in Florida; the Barbara Davis Center for Diabetes, University of Colorado, Aurora (R.P.W., G.F., R.S., L.H.M., E.C., V.N.S., S.P.); Stanford University School of Medicine, Palo Alto (B.B., R.L., L.E., M.S.H., M. Basina), Children's Hospital of Orange County, Orange (M.D., A. Bhangoo, N.F., H.K., F.S.), and the University of California, San Diego, La Jolla (J. Pettus, S.B.) - all in California; Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland (K.Z., B.H., L.O.); University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas (P.R., P.C.W., A. Choudhary, J. Penn), and University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio (J.L., R.J., M.R., E.E., C.K., R.F.-P.); the University of Washington, Seattle (I.B.H., S.T.); the Naomi Berrie Diabetes Center, Columbia University, New York (R.G., K.M.W., N.L.); the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (J.B.B., M.S.K., K. Bergamo, K.R.K., J.M.D., S. Machineni, L.A.Y., J.C.D.); the Henry Ford Health System, Detroit (D.K., A. Bhan, J.K.J.); Emory University, Atlanta (A.M., K.C., E.F.); Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis (J.B.M., M.S., J.M.S., S.A., A. Cedeno); Children's National Hospital, Washington, DC (F.C., S. Meighan, A.D.); and the Pritzker Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Health, Ann and Robert Lurie Children's Hospital, Chicago (J.W.-B.).
Ruedy KJ; The authors' affiliations are as follows: the Diabetes Research Center, Massachusetts General Hospital (S.J.R., C.A.B., J.S.S., L.E.C., M.A.H., M.T., M.S.P., M.Y.S.), and Boston University (E.R.D.), Boston, and Beta Bionics, Concord (E.R.D., F.H.E.-K.) - all in Massachusetts; the Jaeb Center for Health Research, Tampa (R.W.B., K.J.R., Z.L., P.C.), and Nemours Children's Health Jacksonville, Jacksonville (N.M., M. Benson, K. Bird, K.E., J. Permuy) - both in Florida; the Barbara Davis Center for Diabetes, University of Colorado, Aurora (R.P.W., G.F., R.S., L.H.M., E.C., V.N.S., S.P.); Stanford University School of Medicine, Palo Alto (B.B., R.L., L.E., M.S.H., M. Basina), Children's Hospital of Orange County, Orange (M.D., A. Bhangoo, N.F., H.K., F.S.), and the University of California, San Diego, La Jolla (J. Pettus, S.B.) - all in California; Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland (K.Z., B.H., L.O.); University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas (P.R., P.C.W., A. Choudhary, J. Penn), and University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio (J.L., R.J., M.R., E.E., C.K., R.F.-P.); the University of Washington, Seattle (I.B.H., S.T.); the Naomi Berrie Diabetes Center, Columbia University, New York (R.G., K.M.W., N.L.); the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (J.B.B., M.S.K., K. Bergamo, K.R.K., J.M.D., S. Machineni, L.A.Y., J.C.D.); the Henry Ford Health System, Detroit (D.K., A. Bhan, J.K.J.); Emory University, Atlanta (A.M., K.C., E.F.); Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis (J.B.M., M.S., J.M.S., S.A., A. Cedeno); Children's National Hospital, Washington, DC (F.C., S. Meighan, A.D.); and the Pritzker Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Health, Ann and Robert Lurie Children's Hospital, Chicago (J.W.-B.).
Balliro CA; The authors' affiliations are as follows: the Diabetes Research Center, Massachusetts General Hospital (S.J.R., C.A.B., J.S.S., L.E.C., M.A.H., M.T., M.S.P., M.Y.S.), and Boston University (E.R.D.), Boston, and Beta Bionics, Concord (E.R.D., F.H.E.-K.) - all in Massachusetts; the Jaeb Center for Health Research, Tampa (R.W.B., K.J.R., Z.L., P.C.), and Nemours Children's Health Jacksonville, Jacksonville (N.M., M. Benson, K. Bird, K.E., J. Permuy) - both in Florida; the Barbara Davis Center for Diabetes, University of Colorado, Aurora (R.P.W., G.F., R.S., L.H.M., E.C., V.N.S., S.P.); Stanford University School of Medicine, Palo Alto (B.B., R.L., L.E., M.S.H., M. Basina), Children's Hospital of Orange County, Orange (M.D., A. Bhangoo, N.F., H.K., F.S.), and the University of California, San Diego, La Jolla (J. Pettus, S.B.) - all in California; Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland (K.Z., B.H., L.O.); University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas (P.R., P.C.W., A. Choudhary, J. Penn), and University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio (J.L., R.J., M.R., E.E., C.K., R.F.-P.); the University of Washington, Seattle (I.B.H., S.T.); the Naomi Berrie Diabetes Center, Columbia University, New York (R.G., K.M.W., N.L.); the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (J.B.B., M.S.K., K. Bergamo, K.R.K., J.M.D., S. Machineni, L.A.Y., J.C.D.); the Henry Ford Health System, Detroit (D.K., A. Bhan, J.K.J.); Emory University, Atlanta (A.M., K.C., E.F.); Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis (J.B.M., M.S., J.M.S., S.A., A. Cedeno); Children's National Hospital, Washington, DC (F.C., S. Meighan, A.D.); and the Pritzker Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Health, Ann and Robert Lurie Children's Hospital, Chicago (J.W.-B.).
Li Z; The authors' affiliations are as follows: the Diabetes Research Center, Massachusetts General Hospital (S.J.R., C.A.B., J.S.S., L.E.C., M.A.H., M.T., M.S.P., M.Y.S.), and Boston University (E.R.D.), Boston, and Beta Bionics, Concord (E.R.D., F.H.E.-K.) - all in Massachusetts; the Jaeb Center for Health Research, Tampa (R.W.B., K.J.R., Z.L., P.C.), and Nemours Children's Health Jacksonville, Jacksonville (N.M., M. Benson, K. Bird, K.E., J. Permuy) - both in Florida; the Barbara Davis Center for Diabetes, University of Colorado, Aurora (R.P.W., G.F., R.S., L.H.M., E.C., V.N.S., S.P.); Stanford University School of Medicine, Palo Alto (B.B., R.L., L.E., M.S.H., M. Basina), Children's Hospital of Orange County, Orange (M.D., A. Bhangoo, N.F., H.K., F.S.), and the University of California, San Diego, La Jolla (J. Pettus, S.B.) - all in California; Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland (K.Z., B.H., L.O.); University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas (P.R., P.C.W., A. Choudhary, J. Penn), and University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio (J.L., R.J., M.R., E.E., C.K., R.F.-P.); the University of Washington, Seattle (I.B.H., S.T.); the Naomi Berrie Diabetes Center, Columbia University, New York (R.G., K.M.W., N.L.); the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (J.B.B., M.S.K., K. Bergamo, K.R.K., J.M.D., S. Machineni, L.A.Y., J.C.D.); the Henry Ford Health System, Detroit (D.K., A. Bhan, J.K.J.); Emory University, Atlanta (A.M., K.C., E.F.); Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis (J.B.M., M.S., J.M.S., S.A., A. Cedeno); Children's National Hospital, Washington, DC (F.C., S. Meighan, A.D.); and the Pritzker Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Health, Ann and Robert Lurie Children's Hospital, Chicago (J.W.-B.).
Calhoun P; The authors' affiliations are as follows: the Diabetes Research Center, Massachusetts General Hospital (S.J.R., C.A.B., J.S.S., L.E.C., M.A.H., M.T., M.S.P., M.Y.S.), and Boston University (E.R.D.), Boston, and Beta Bionics, Concord (E.R.D., F.H.E.-K.) - all in Massachusetts; the Jaeb Center for Health Research, Tampa (R.W.B., K.J.R., Z.L., P.C.), and Nemours Children's Health Jacksonville, Jacksonville (N.M., M. Benson, K. Bird, K.E., J. Permuy) - both in Florida; the Barbara Davis Center for Diabetes, University of Colorado, Aurora (R.P.W., G.F., R.S., L.H.M., E.C., V.N.S., S.P.); Stanford University School of Medicine, Palo Alto (B.B., R.L., L.E., M.S.H., M. Basina), Children's Hospital of Orange County, Orange (M.D., A. Bhangoo, N.F., H.K., F.S.), and the University of California, San Diego, La Jolla (J. Pettus, S.B.) - all in California; Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland (K.Z., B.H., L.O.); University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas (P.R., P.C.W., A. Choudhary, J. Penn), and University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio (J.L., R.J., M.R., E.E., C.K., R.F.-P.); the University of Washington, Seattle (I.B.H., S.T.); the Naomi Berrie Diabetes Center, Columbia University, New York (R.G., K.M.W., N.L.); the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (J.B.B., M.S.K., K. Bergamo, K.R.K., J.M.D., S. Machineni, L.A.Y., J.C.D.); the Henry Ford Health System, Detroit (D.K., A. Bhan, J.K.J.); Emory University, Atlanta (A.M., K.C., E.F.); Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis (J.B.M., M.S., J.M.S., S.A., A. Cedeno); Children's National Hospital, Washington, DC (F.C., S. Meighan, A.D.); and the Pritzker Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Health, Ann and Robert Lurie Children's Hospital, Chicago (J.W.-B.).
Wadwa RP; The authors' affiliations are as follows: the Diabetes Research Center, Massachusetts General Hospital (S.J.R., C.A.B., J.S.S., L.E.C., M.A.H., M.T., M.S.P., M.Y.S.), and Boston University (E.R.D.), Boston, and Beta Bionics, Concord (E.R.D., F.H.E.-K.) - all in Massachusetts; the Jaeb Center for Health Research, Tampa (R.W.B., K.J.R., Z.L., P.C.), and Nemours Children's Health Jacksonville, Jacksonville (N.M., M. Benson, K. Bird, K.E., J. Permuy) - both in Florida; the Barbara Davis Center for Diabetes, University of Colorado, Aurora (R.P.W., G.F., R.S., L.H.M., E.C., V.N.S., S.P.); Stanford University School of Medicine, Palo Alto (B.B., R.L., L.E., M.S.H., M. Basina), Children's Hospital of Orange County, Orange (M.D., A. Bhangoo, N.F., H.K., F.S.), and the University of California, San Diego, La Jolla (J. Pettus, S.B.) - all in California; Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland (K.Z., B.H., L.O.); University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas (P.R., P.C.W., A. Choudhary, J. Penn), and University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio (J.L., R.J., M.R., E.E., C.K., R.F.-P.); the University of Washington, Seattle (I.B.H., S.T.); the Naomi Berrie Diabetes Center, Columbia University, New York (R.G., K.M.W., N.L.); the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (J.B.B., M.S.K., K. Bergamo, K.R.K., J.M.D., S. Machineni, L.A.Y., J.C.D.); the Henry Ford Health System, Detroit (D.K., A. Bhan, J.K.J.); Emory University, Atlanta (A.M., K.C., E.F.); Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis (J.B.M., M.S., J.M.S., S.A., A. Cedeno); Children's National Hospital, Washington, DC (F.C., S. Meighan, A.D.); and the Pritzker Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Health, Ann and Robert Lurie Children's Hospital, Chicago (J.W.-B.).
Buckingham B; The authors' affiliations are as follows: the Diabetes Research Center, Massachusetts General Hospital (S.J.R., C.A.B., J.S.S., L.E.C., M.A.H., M.T., M.S.P., M.Y.S.), and Boston University (E.R.D.), Boston, and Beta Bionics, Concord (E.R.D., F.H.E.-K.) - all in Massachusetts; the Jaeb Center for Health Research, Tampa (R.W.B., K.J.R., Z.L., P.C.), and Nemours Children's Health Jacksonville, Jacksonville (N.M., M. Benson, K. Bird, K.E., J. Permuy) - both in Florida; the Barbara Davis Center for Diabetes, University of Colorado, Aurora (R.P.W., G.F., R.S., L.H.M., E.C., V.N.S., S.P.); Stanford University School of Medicine, Palo Alto (B.B., R.L., L.E., M.S.H., M. Basina), Children's Hospital of Orange County, Orange (M.D., A. Bhangoo, N.F., H.K., F.S.), and the University of California, San Diego, La Jolla (J. Pettus, S.B.) - all in California; Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland (K.Z., B.H., L.O.); University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas (P.R., P.C.W., A. Choudhary, J. Penn), and University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio (J.L., R.J., M.R., E.E., C.K., R.F.-P.); the University of Washington, Seattle (I.B.H., S.T.); the Naomi Berrie Diabetes Center, Columbia University, New York (R.G., K.M.W., N.L.); the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (J.B.B., M.S.K., K. Bergamo, K.R.K., J.M.D., S. Machineni, L.A.Y., J.C.D.); the Henry Ford Health System, Detroit (D.K., A. Bhan, J.K.J.); Emory University, Atlanta (A.M., K.C., E.F.); Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis (J.B.M., M.S., J.M.S., S.A., A. Cedeno); Children's National Hospital, Washington, DC (F.C., S. Meighan, A.D.); and the Pritzker Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Health, Ann and Robert Lurie Children's Hospital, Chicago (J.W.-B.).
Zhou K; The authors' affiliations are as follows: the Diabetes Research Center, Massachusetts General Hospital (S.J.R., C.A.B., J.S.S., L.E.C., M.A.H., M.T., M.S.P., M.Y.S.), and Boston University (E.R.D.), Boston, and Beta Bionics, Concord (E.R.D., F.H.E.-K.) - all in Massachusetts; the Jaeb Center for Health Research, Tampa (R.W.B., K.J.R., Z.L., P.C.), and Nemours Children's Health Jacksonville, Jacksonville (N.M., M. Benson, K. Bird, K.E., J. Permuy) - both in Florida; the Barbara Davis Center for Diabetes, University of Colorado, Aurora (R.P.W., G.F., R.S., L.H.M., E.C., V.N.S., S.P.); Stanford University School of Medicine, Palo Alto (B.B., R.L., L.E., M.S.H., M. Basina), Children's Hospital of Orange County, Orange (M.D., A. Bhangoo, N.F., H.K., F.S.), and the University of California, San Diego, La Jolla (J. Pettus, S.B.) - all in California; Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland (K.Z., B.H., L.O.); University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas (P.R., P.C.W., A. Choudhary, J. Penn), and University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio (J.L., R.J., M.R., E.E., C.K., R.F.-P.); the University of Washington, Seattle (I.B.H., S.T.); the Naomi Berrie Diabetes Center, Columbia University, New York (R.G., K.M.W., N.L.); the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (J.B.B., M.S.K., K. Bergamo, K.R.K., J.M.D., S. Machineni, L.A.Y., J.C.D.); the Henry Ford Health System, Detroit (D.K., A. Bhan, J.K.J.); Emory University, Atlanta (A.M., K.C., E.F.); Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis (J.B.M., M.S., J.M.S., S.A., A. Cedeno); Children's National Hospital, Washington, DC (F.C., S. Meighan, A.D.); and the Pritzker Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Health, Ann and Robert Lurie Children's Hospital, Chicago (J.W.-B.).
Daniels M; The authors' affiliations are as follows: the Diabetes Research Center, Massachusetts General Hospital (S.J.R., C.A.B., J.S.S., L.E.C., M.A.H., M.T., M.S.P., M.Y.S.), and Boston University (E.R.D.), Boston, and Beta Bionics, Concord (E.R.D., F.H.E.-K.) - all in Massachusetts; the Jaeb Center for Health Research, Tampa (R.W.B., K.J.R., Z.L., P.C.), and Nemours Children's Health Jacksonville, Jacksonville (N.M., M. Benson, K. Bird, K.E., J. Permuy) - both in Florida; the Barbara Davis Center for Diabetes, University of Colorado, Aurora (R.P.W., G.F., R.S., L.H.M., E.C., V.N.S., S.P.); Stanford University School of Medicine, Palo Alto (B.B., R.L., L.E., M.S.H., M. Basina), Children's Hospital of Orange County, Orange (M.D., A. Bhangoo, N.F., H.K., F.S.), and the University of California, San Diego, La Jolla (J. Pettus, S.B.) - all in California; Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland (K.Z., B.H., L.O.); University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas (P.R., P.C.W., A. Choudhary, J. Penn), and University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio (J.L., R.J., M.R., E.E., C.K., R.F.-P.); the University of Washington, Seattle (I.B.H., S.T.); the Naomi Berrie Diabetes Center, Columbia University, New York (R.G., K.M.W., N.L.); the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (J.B.B., M.S.K., K. Bergamo, K.R.K., J.M.D., S. Machineni, L.A.Y., J.C.D.); the Henry Ford Health System, Detroit (D.K., A. Bhan, J.K.J.); Emory University, Atlanta (A.M., K.C., E.F.); Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis (J.B.M., M.S., J.M.S., S.A., A. Cedeno); Children's National Hospital, Washington, DC (F.C., S. Meighan, A.D.); and the Pritzker Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Health, Ann and Robert Lurie Children's Hospital, Chicago (J.W.-B.).
Raskin P; The authors' affiliations are as follows: the Diabetes Research Center, Massachusetts General Hospital (S.J.R., C.A.B., J.S.S., L.E.C., M.A.H., M.T., M.S.P., M.Y.S.), and Boston University (E.R.D.), Boston, and Beta Bionics, Concord (E.R.D., F.H.E.-K.) - all in Massachusetts; the Jaeb Center for Health Research, Tampa (R.W.B., K.J.R., Z.L., P.C.), and Nemours Children's Health Jacksonville, Jacksonville (N.M., M. Benson, K. Bird, K.E., J. Permuy) - both in Florida; the Barbara Davis Center for Diabetes, University of Colorado, Aurora (R.P.W., G.F., R.S., L.H.M., E.C., V.N.S., S.P.); Stanford University School of Medicine, Palo Alto (B.B., R.L., L.E., M.S.H., M. Basina), Children's Hospital of Orange County, Orange (M.D., A. Bhangoo, N.F., H.K., F.S.), and the University of California, San Diego, La Jolla (J. Pettus, S.B.) - all in California; Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland (K.Z., B.H., L.O.); University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas (P.R., P.C.W., A. Choudhary, J. Penn), and University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio (J.L., R.J., M.R., E.E., C.K., R.F.-P.); the University of Washington, Seattle (I.B.H., S.T.); the Naomi Berrie Diabetes Center, Columbia University, New York (R.G., K.M.W., N.L.); the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (J.B.B., M.S.K., K. Bergamo, K.R.K., J.M.D., S. Machineni, L.A.Y., J.C.D.); the Henry Ford Health System, Detroit (D.K., A. Bhan, J.K.J.); Emory University, Atlanta (A.M., K.C., E.F.); Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis (J.B.M., M.S., J.M.S., S.A., A. Cedeno); Children's National Hospital, Washington, DC (F.C., S. Meighan, A.D.); and the Pritzker Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Health, Ann and Robert Lurie Children's Hospital, Chicago (J.W.-B.).
White PC; The authors' affiliations are as follows: the Diabetes Research Center, Massachusetts General Hospital (S.J.R., C.A.B., J.S.S., L.E.C., M.A.H., M.T., M.S.P., M.Y.S.), and Boston University (E.R.D.), Boston, and Beta Bionics, Concord (E.R.D., F.H.E.-K.) - all in Massachusetts; the Jaeb Center for Health Research, Tampa (R.W.B., K.J.R., Z.L., P.C.), and Nemours Children's Health Jacksonville, Jacksonville (N.M., M. Benson, K. Bird, K.E., J. Permuy) - both in Florida; the Barbara Davis Center for Diabetes, University of Colorado, Aurora (R.P.W., G.F., R.S., L.H.M., E.C., V.N.S., S.P.); Stanford University School of Medicine, Palo Alto (B.B., R.L., L.E., M.S.H., M. Basina), Children's Hospital of Orange County, Orange (M.D., A. Bhangoo, N.F., H.K., F.S.), and the University of California, San Diego, La Jolla (J. Pettus, S.B.) - all in California; Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland (K.Z., B.H., L.O.); University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas (P.R., P.C.W., A. Choudhary, J. Penn), and University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio (J.L., R.J., M.R., E.E., C.K., R.F.-P.); the University of Washington, Seattle (I.B.H., S.T.); the Naomi Berrie Diabetes Center, Columbia University, New York (R.G., K.M.W., N.L.); the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (J.B.B., M.S.K., K. Bergamo, K.R.K., J.M.D., S. Machineni, L.A.Y., J.C.D.); the Henry Ford Health System, Detroit (D.K., A. Bhan, J.K.J.); Emory University, Atlanta (A.M., K.C., E.F.); Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis (J.B.M., M.S., J.M.S., S.A., A. Cedeno); Children's National Hospital, Washington, DC (F.C., S. Meighan, A.D.); and the Pritzker Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Health, Ann and Robert Lurie Children's Hospital, Chicago (J.W.-B.).
Lynch J; The authors' affiliations are as follows: the Diabetes Research Center, Massachusetts General Hospital (S.J.R., C.A.B., J.S.S., L.E.C., M.A.H., M.T., M.S.P., M.Y.S.), and Boston University (E.R.D.), Boston, and Beta Bionics, Concord (E.R.D., F.H.E.-K.) - all in Massachusetts; the Jaeb Center for Health Research, Tampa (R.W.B., K.J.R., Z.L., P.C.), and Nemours Children's Health Jacksonville, Jacksonville (N.M., M. Benson, K. Bird, K.E., J. Permuy) - both in Florida; the Barbara Davis Center for Diabetes, University of Colorado, Aurora (R.P.W., G.F., R.S., L.H.M., E.C., V.N.S., S.P.); Stanford University School of Medicine, Palo Alto (B.B., R.L., L.E., M.S.H., M. Basina), Children's Hospital of Orange County, Orange (M.D., A. Bhangoo, N.F., H.K., F.S.), and the University of California, San Diego, La Jolla (J. Pettus, S.B.) - all in California; Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland (K.Z., B.H., L.O.); University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas (P.R., P.C.W., A. Choudhary, J. Penn), and University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio (J.L., R.J., M.R., E.E., C.K., R.F.-P.); the University of Washington, Seattle (I.B.H., S.T.); the Naomi Berrie Diabetes Center, Columbia University, New York (R.G., K.M.W., N.L.); the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (J.B.B., M.S.K., K. Bergamo, K.R.K., J.M.D., S. Machineni, L.A.Y., J.C.D.); the Henry Ford Health System, Detroit (D.K., A. Bhan, J.K.J.); Emory University, Atlanta (A.M., K.C., E.F.); Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis (J.B.M., M.S., J.M.S., S.A., A. Cedeno); Children's National Hospital, Washington, DC (F.C., S. Meighan, A.D.); and the Pritzker Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Health, Ann and Robert Lurie Children's Hospital, Chicago (J.W.-B.).
Pettus J; The authors' affiliations are as follows: the Diabetes Research Center, Massachusetts General Hospital (S.J.R., C.A.B., J.S.S., L.E.C., M.A.H., M.T., M.S.P., M.Y.S.), and Boston University (E.R.D.), Boston, and Beta Bionics, Concord (E.R.D., F.H.E.-K.) - all in Massachusetts; the Jaeb Center for Health Research, Tampa (R.W.B., K.J.R., Z.L., P.C.), and Nemours Children's Health Jacksonville, Jacksonville (N.M., M. Benson, K. Bird, K.E., J. Permuy) - both in Florida; the Barbara Davis Center for Diabetes, University of Colorado, Aurora (R.P.W., G.F., R.S., L.H.M., E.C., V.N.S., S.P.); Stanford University School of Medicine, Palo Alto (B.B., R.L., L.E., M.S.H., M. Basina), Children's Hospital of Orange County, Orange (M.D., A. Bhangoo, N.F., H.K., F.S.), and the University of California, San Diego, La Jolla (J. Pettus, S.B.) - all in California; Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland (K.Z., B.H., L.O.); University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas (P.R., P.C.W., A. Choudhary, J. Penn), and University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio (J.L., R.J., M.R., E.E., C.K., R.F.-P.); the University of Washington, Seattle (I.B.H., S.T.); the Naomi Berrie Diabetes Center, Columbia University, New York (R.G., K.M.W., N.L.); the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (J.B.B., M.S.K., K. Bergamo, K.R.K., J.M.D., S. Machineni, L.A.Y., J.C.D.); the Henry Ford Health System, Detroit (D.K., A. Bhan, J.K.J.); Emory University, Atlanta (A.M., K.C., E.F.); Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis (J.B.M., M.S., J.M.S., S.A., A. Cedeno); Children's National Hospital, Washington, DC (F.C., S. Meighan, A.D.); and the Pritzker Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Health, Ann and Robert Lurie Children's Hospital, Chicago (J.W.-B.).
Hirsch IB; The authors' affiliations are as follows: the Diabetes Research Center, Massachusetts General Hospital (S.J.R., C.A.B., J.S.S., L.E.C., M.A.H., M.T., M.S.P., M.Y.S.), and Boston University (E.R.D.), Boston, and Beta Bionics, Concord (E.R.D., F.H.E.-K.) - all in Massachusetts; the Jaeb Center for Health Research, Tampa (R.W.B., K.J.R., Z.L., P.C.), and Nemours Children's Health Jacksonville, Jacksonville (N.M., M. Benson, K. Bird, K.E., J. Permuy) - both in Florida; the Barbara Davis Center for Diabetes, University of Colorado, Aurora (R.P.W., G.F., R.S., L.H.M., E.C., V.N.S., S.P.); Stanford University School of Medicine, Palo Alto (B.B., R.L., L.E., M.S.H., M. Basina), Children's Hospital of Orange County, Orange (M.D., A. Bhangoo, N.F., H.K., F.S.), and the University of California, San Diego, La Jolla (J. Pettus, S.B.) - all in California; Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland (K.Z., B.H., L.O.); University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas (P.R., P.C.W., A. Choudhary, J. Penn), and University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio (J.L., R.J., M.R., E.E., C.K., R.F.-P.); the University of Washington, Seattle (I.B.H., S.T.); the Naomi Berrie Diabetes Center, Columbia University, New York (R.G., K.M.W., N.L.); the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (J.B.B., M.S.K., K. Bergamo, K.R.K., J.M.D., S. Machineni, L.A.Y., J.C.D.); the Henry Ford Health System, Detroit (D.K., A. Bhan, J.K.J.); Emory University, Atlanta (A.M., K.C., E.F.); Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis (J.B.M., M.S., J.M.S., S.A., A. Cedeno); Children's National Hospital, Washington, DC (F.C., S. Meighan, A.D.); and the Pritzker Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Health, Ann and Robert Lurie Children's Hospital, Chicago (J.W.-B.).
Goland R; The authors' affiliations are as follows: the Diabetes Research Center, Massachusetts General Hospital (S.J.R., C.A.B., J.S.S., L.E.C., M.A.H., M.T., M.S.P., M.Y.S.), and Boston University (E.R.D.), Boston, and Beta Bionics, Concord (E.R.D., F.H.E.-K.) - all in Massachusetts; the Jaeb Center for Health Research, Tampa (R.W.B., K.J.R., Z.L., P.C.), and Nemours Children's Health Jacksonville, Jacksonville (N.M., M. Benson, K. Bird, K.E., J. Permuy) - both in Florida; the Barbara Davis Center for Diabetes, University of Colorado, Aurora (R.P.W., G.F., R.S., L.H.M., E.C., V.N.S., S.P.); Stanford University School of Medicine, Palo Alto (B.B., R.L., L.E., M.S.H., M. Basina), Children's Hospital of Orange County, Orange (M.D., A. Bhangoo, N.F., H.K., F.S.), and the University of California, San Diego, La Jolla (J. Pettus, S.B.) - all in California; Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland (K.Z., B.H., L.O.); University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas (P.R., P.C.W., A. Choudhary, J. Penn), and University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio (J.L., R.J., M.R., E.E., C.K., R.F.-P.); the University of Washington, Seattle (I.B.H., S.T.); the Naomi Berrie Diabetes Center, Columbia University, New York (R.G., K.M.W., N.L.); the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (J.B.B., M.S.K., K. Bergamo, K.R.K., J.M.D., S. Machineni, L.A.Y., J.C.D.); the Henry Ford Health System, Detroit (D.K., A. Bhan, J.K.J.); Emory University, Atlanta (A.M., K.C., E.F.); Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis (J.B.M., M.S., J.M.S., S.A., A. Cedeno); Children's National Hospital, Washington, DC (F.C., S. Meighan, A.D.); and the Pritzker Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Health, Ann and Robert Lurie Children's Hospital, Chicago (J.W.-B.).
Buse JB; The authors' affiliations are as follows: the Diabetes Research Center, Massachusetts General Hospital (S.J.R., C.A.B., J.S.S., L.E.C., M.A.H., M.T., M.S.P., M.Y.S.), and Boston University (E.R.D.), Boston, and Beta Bionics, Concord (E.R.D., F.H.E.-K.) - all in Massachusetts; the Jaeb Center for Health Research, Tampa (R.W.B., K.J.R., Z.L., P.C.), and Nemours Children's Health Jacksonville, Jacksonville (N.M., M. Benson, K. Bird, K.E., J. Permuy) - both in Florida; the Barbara Davis Center for Diabetes, University of Colorado, Aurora (R.P.W., G.F., R.S., L.H.M., E.C., V.N.S., S.P.); Stanford University School of Medicine, Palo Alto (B.B., R.L., L.E., M.S.H., M. Basina), Children's Hospital of Orange County, Orange (M.D., A. Bhangoo, N.F., H.K., F.S.), and the University of California, San Diego, La Jolla (J. Pettus, S.B.) - all in California; Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland (K.Z., B.H., L.O.); University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas (P.R., P.C.W., A. Choudhary, J. Penn), and University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio (J.L., R.J., M.R., E.E., C.K., R.F.-P.); the University of Washington, Seattle (I.B.H., S.T.); the Naomi Berrie Diabetes Center, Columbia University, New York (R.G., K.M.W., N.L.); the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (J.B.B., M.S.K., K. Bergamo, K.R.K., J.M.D., S. Machineni, L.A.Y., J.C.D.); the Henry Ford Health System, Detroit (D.K., A. Bhan, J.K.J.); Emory University, Atlanta (A.M., K.C., E.F.); Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis (J.B.M., M.S., J.M.S., S.A., A. Cedeno); Children's National Hospital, Washington, DC (F.C., S. Meighan, A.D.); and the Pritzker Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Health, Ann and Robert Lurie Children's Hospital, Chicago (J.W.-B.).
Kruger D; The authors' affiliations are as follows: the Diabetes Research Center, Massachusetts General Hospital (S.J.R., C.A.B., J.S.S., L.E.C., M.A.H., M.T., M.S.P., M.Y.S.), and Boston University (E.R.D.), Boston, and Beta Bionics, Concord (E.R.D., F.H.E.-K.) - all in Massachusetts; the Jaeb Center for Health Research, Tampa (R.W.B., K.J.R., Z.L., P.C.), and Nemours Children's Health Jacksonville, Jacksonville (N.M., M. Benson, K. Bird, K.E., J. Permuy) - both in Florida; the Barbara Davis Center for Diabetes, University of Colorado, Aurora (R.P.W., G.F., R.S., L.H.M., E.C., V.N.S., S.P.); Stanford University School of Medicine, Palo Alto (B.B., R.L., L.E., M.S.H., M. Basina), Children's Hospital of Orange County, Orange (M.D., A. Bhangoo, N.F., H.K., F.S.), and the University of California, San Diego, La Jolla (J. Pettus, S.B.) - all in California; Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland (K.Z., B.H., L.O.); University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas (P.R., P.C.W., A. Choudhary, J. Penn), and University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio (J.L., R.J., M.R., E.E., C.K., R.F.-P.); the University of Washington, Seattle (I.B.H., S.T.); the Naomi Berrie Diabetes Center, Columbia University, New York (R.G., K.M.W., N.L.); the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (J.B.B., M.S.K., K. Bergamo, K.R.K., J.M.D., S. Machineni, L.A.Y., J.C.D.); the Henry Ford Health System, Detroit (D.K., A. Bhan, J.K.J.); Emory University, Atlanta (A.M., K.C., E.F.); Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis (J.B.M., M.S., J.M.S., S.A., A. Cedeno); Children's National Hospital, Washington, DC (F.C., S. Meighan, A.D.); and the Pritzker Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Health, Ann and Robert Lurie Children's Hospital, Chicago (J.W.-B.).
Mauras N; The authors' affiliations are as follows: the Diabetes Research Center, Massachusetts General Hospital (S.J.R., C.A.B., J.S.S., L.E.C., M.A.H., M.T., M.S.P., M.Y.S.), and Boston University (E.R.D.), Boston, and Beta Bionics, Concord (E.R.D., F.H.E.-K.) - all in Massachusetts; the Jaeb Center for Health Research, Tampa (R.W.B., K.J.R., Z.L., P.C.), and Nemours Children's Health Jacksonville, Jacksonville (N.M., M. Benson, K. Bird, K.E., J. Permuy) - both in Florida; the Barbara Davis Center for Diabetes, University of Colorado, Aurora (R.P.W., G.F., R.S., L.H.M., E.C., V.N.S., S.P.); Stanford University School of Medicine, Palo Alto (B.B., R.L., L.E., M.S.H., M. Basina), Children's Hospital of Orange County, Orange (M.D., A. Bhangoo, N.F., H.K., F.S.), and the University of California, San Diego, La Jolla (J. Pettus, S.B.) - all in California; Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland (K.Z., B.H., L.O.); University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas (P.R., P.C.W., A. Choudhary, J. Penn), and University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio (J.L., R.J., M.R., E.E., C.K., R.F.-P.); the University of Washington, Seattle (I.B.H., S.T.); the Naomi Berrie Diabetes Center, Columbia University, New York (R.G., K.M.W., N.L.); the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (J.B.B., M.S.K., K. Bergamo, K.R.K., J.M.D., S. Machineni, L.A.Y., J.C.D.); the Henry Ford Health System, Detroit (D.K., A. Bhan, J.K.J.); Emory University, Atlanta (A.M., K.C., E.F.); Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis (J.B.M., M.S., J.M.S., S.A., A. Cedeno); Children's National Hospital, Washington, DC (F.C., S. Meighan, A.D.); and the Pritzker Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Health, Ann and Robert Lurie Children's Hospital, Chicago (J.W.-B.).
Muir A; The authors' affiliations are as follows: the Diabetes Research Center, Massachusetts General Hospital (S.J.R., C.A.B., J.S.S., L.E.C., M.A.H., M.T., M.S.P., M.Y.S.), and Boston University (E.R.D.), Boston, and Beta Bionics, Concord (E.R.D., F.H.E.-K.) - all in Massachusetts; the Jaeb Center for Health Research, Tampa (R.W.B., K.J.R., Z.L., P.C.), and Nemours Children's Health Jacksonville, Jacksonville (N.M., M. Benson, K. Bird, K.E., J. Permuy) - both in Florida; the Barbara Davis Center for Diabetes, University of Colorado, Aurora (R.P.W., G.F., R.S., L.H.M., E.C., V.N.S., S.P.); Stanford University School of Medicine, Palo Alto (B.B., R.L., L.E., M.S.H., M. Basina), Children's Hospital of Orange County, Orange (M.D., A. Bhangoo, N.F., H.K., F.S.), and the University of California, San Diego, La Jolla (J. Pettus, S.B.) - all in California; Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland (K.Z., B.H., L.O.); University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas (P.R., P.C.W., A. Choudhary, J. Penn), and University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio (J.L., R.J., M.R., E.E., C.K., R.F.-P.); the University of Washington, Seattle (I.B.H., S.T.); the Naomi Berrie Diabetes Center, Columbia University, New York (R.G., K.M.W., N.L.); the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (J.B.B., M.S.K., K. Bergamo, K.R.K., J.M.D., S. Machineni, L.A.Y., J.C.D.); the Henry Ford Health System, Detroit (D.K., A. Bhan, J.K.J.); Emory University, Atlanta (A.M., K.C., E.F.); Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis (J.B.M., M.S., J.M.S., S.A., A. Cedeno); Children's National Hospital, Washington, DC (F.C., S. Meighan, A.D.); and the Pritzker Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Health, Ann and Robert Lurie Children's Hospital, Chicago (J.W.-B.).
McGill JB; The authors' affiliations are as follows: the Diabetes Research Center, Massachusetts General Hospital (S.J.R., C.A.B., J.S.S., L.E.C., M.A.H., M.T., M.S.P., M.Y.S.), and Boston University (E.R.D.), Boston, and Beta Bionics, Concord (E.R.D., F.H.E.-K.) - all in Massachusetts; the Jaeb Center for Health Research, Tampa (R.W.B., K.J.R., Z.L., P.C.), and Nemours Children's Health Jacksonville, Jacksonville (N.M., M. Benson, K. Bird, K.E., J. Permuy) - both in Florida; the Barbara Davis Center for Diabetes, University of Colorado, Aurora (R.P.W., G.F., R.S., L.H.M., E.C., V.N.S., S.P.); Stanford University School of Medicine, Palo Alto (B.B., R.L., L.E., M.S.H., M. Basina), Children's Hospital of Orange County, Orange (M.D., A. Bhangoo, N.F., H.K., F.S.), and the University of California, San Diego, La Jolla (J. Pettus, S.B.) - all in California; Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland (K.Z., B.H., L.O.); University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas (P.R., P.C.W., A. Choudhary, J. Penn), and University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio (J.L., R.J., M.R., E.E., C.K., R.F.-P.); the University of Washington, Seattle (I.B.H., S.T.); the Naomi Berrie Diabetes Center, Columbia University, New York (R.G., K.M.W., N.L.); the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (J.B.B., M.S.K., K. Bergamo, K.R.K., J.M.D., S. Machineni, L.A.Y., J.C.D.); the Henry Ford Health System, Detroit (D.K., A. Bhan, J.K.J.); Emory University, Atlanta (A.M., K.C., E.F.); Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis (J.B.M., M.S., J.M.S., S.A., A. Cedeno); Children's National Hospital, Washington, DC (F.C., S. Meighan, A.D.); and the Pritzker Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Health, Ann and Robert Lurie Children's Hospital, Chicago (J.W.-B.).
Cogen F; The authors' affiliations are as follows: the Diabetes Research Center, Massachusetts General Hospital (S.J.R., C.A.B., J.S.S., L.E.C., M.A.H., M.T., M.S.P., M.Y.S.), and Boston University (E.R.D.), Boston, and Beta Bionics, Concord (E.R.D., F.H.E.-K.) - all in Massachusetts; the Jaeb Center for Health Research, Tampa (R.W.B., K.J.R., Z.L., P.C.), and Nemours Children's Health Jacksonville, Jacksonville (N.M., M. Benson, K. Bird, K.E., J. Permuy) - both in Florida; the Barbara Davis Center for Diabetes, University of Colorado, Aurora (R.P.W., G.F., R.S., L.H.M., E.C., V.N.S., S.P.); Stanford University School of Medicine, Palo Alto (B.B., R.L., L.E., M.S.H., M. Basina), Children's Hospital of Orange County, Orange (M.D., A. Bhangoo, N.F., H.K., F.S.), and the University of California, San Diego, La Jolla (J. Pettus, S.B.) - all in California; Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland (K.Z., B.H., L.O.); University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas (P.R., P.C.W., A. Choudhary, J. Penn), and University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio (J.L., R.J., M.R., E.E., C.K., R.F.-P.); the University of Washington, Seattle (I.B.H., S.T.); the Naomi Berrie Diabetes Center, Columbia University, New York (R.G., K.M.W., N.L.); the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (J.B.B., M.S.K., K. Bergamo, K.R.K., J.M.D., S. Machineni, L.A.Y., J.C.D.); the Henry Ford Health System, Detroit (D.K., A. Bhan, J.K.J.); Emory University, Atlanta (A.M., K.C., E.F.); Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis (J.B.M., M.S., J.M.S., S.A., A. Cedeno); Children's National Hospital, Washington, DC (F.C., S. Meighan, A.D.); and the Pritzker Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Health, Ann and Robert Lurie Children's Hospital, Chicago (J.W.-B.).
Weissberg-Benchell J; The authors' affiliations are as follows: the Diabetes Research Center, Massachusetts General Hospital (S.J.R., C.A.B., J.S.S., L.E.C., M.A.H., M.T., M.S.P., M.Y.S.), and Boston University (E.R.D.), Boston, and Beta Bionics, Concord (E.R.D., F.H.E.-K.) - all in Massachusetts; the Jaeb Center for Health Research, Tampa (R.W.B., K.J.R., Z.L., P.C.), and Nemours Children's Health Jacksonville, Jacksonville (N.M., M. Benson, K. Bird, K.E., J. Permuy) - both in Florida; the Barbara Davis Center for Diabetes, University of Colorado, Aurora (R.P.W., G.F., R.S., L.H.M., E.C., V.N.S., S.P.); Stanford University School of Medicine, Palo Alto (B.B., R.L., L.E., M.S.H., M. Basina), Children's Hospital of Orange County, Orange (M.D., A. Bhangoo, N.F., H.K., F.S.), and the University of California, San Diego, La Jolla (J. Pettus, S.B.) - all in California; Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland (K.Z., B.H., L.O.); University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas (P.R., P.C.W., A. Choudhary, J. Penn), and University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio (J.L., R.J., M.R., E.E., C.K., R.F.-P.); the University of Washington, Seattle (I.B.H., S.T.); the Naomi Berrie Diabetes Center, Columbia University, New York (R.G., K.M.W., N.L.); the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (J.B.B., M.S.K., K. Bergamo, K.R.K., J.M.D., S. Machineni, L.A.Y., J.C.D.); the Henry Ford Health System, Detroit (D.K., A. Bhan, J.K.J.); Emory University, Atlanta (A.M., K.C., E.F.); Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis (J.B.M., M.S., J.M.S., S.A., A. Cedeno); Children's National Hospital, Washington, DC (F.C., S. Meighan, A.D.); and the Pritzker Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Health, Ann and Robert Lurie Children's Hospital, Chicago (J.W.-B.).
Sherwood JS; The authors' affiliations are as follows: the Diabetes Research Center, Massachusetts General Hospital (S.J.R., C.A.B., J.S.S., L.E.C., M.A.H., M.T., M.S.P., M.Y.S.), and Boston University (E.R.D.), Boston, and Beta Bionics, Concord (E.R.D., F.H.E.-K.) - all in Massachusetts; the Jaeb Center for Health Research, Tampa (R.W.B., K.J.R., Z.L., P.C.), and Nemours Children's Health Jacksonville, Jacksonville (N.M., M. Benson, K. Bird, K.E., J. Permuy) - both in Florida; the Barbara Davis Center for Diabetes, University of Colorado, Aurora (R.P.W., G.F., R.S., L.H.M., E.C., V.N.S., S.P.); Stanford University School of Medicine, Palo Alto (B.B., R.L., L.E., M.S.H., M. Basina), Children's Hospital of Orange County, Orange (M.D., A. Bhangoo, N.F., H.K., F.S.), and the University of California, San Diego, La Jolla (J. Pettus, S.B.) - all in California; Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland (K.Z., B.H., L.O.); University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas (P.R., P.C.W., A. Choudhary, J. Penn), and University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio (J.L., R.J., M.R., E.E., C.K., R.F.-P.); the University of Washington, Seattle (I.B.H., S.T.); the Naomi Berrie Diabetes Center, Columbia University, New York (R.G., K.M.W., N.L.); the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (J.B.B., M.S.K., K. Bergamo, K.R.K., J.M.D., S. Machineni, L.A.Y., J.C.D.); the Henry Ford Health System, Detroit (D.K., A. Bhan, J.K.J.); Emory University, Atlanta (A.M., K.C., E.F.); Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis (J.B.M., M.S., J.M.S., S.A., A. Cedeno); Children's National Hospital, Washington, DC (F.C., S. Meighan, A.D.); and the Pritzker Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Health, Ann and Robert Lurie Children's Hospital, Chicago (J.W.-B.).
Castellanos LE; The authors' affiliations are as follows: the Diabetes Research Center, Massachusetts General Hospital (S.J.R., C.A.B., J.S.S., L.E.C., M.A.H., M.T., M.S.P., M.Y.S.), and Boston University (E.R.D.), Boston, and Beta Bionics, Concord (E.R.D., F.H.E.-K.) - all in Massachusetts; the Jaeb Center for Health Research, Tampa (R.W.B., K.J.R., Z.L., P.C.), and Nemours Children's Health Jacksonville, Jacksonville (N.M., M. Benson, K. Bird, K.E., J. Permuy) - both in Florida; the Barbara Davis Center for Diabetes, University of Colorado, Aurora (R.P.W., G.F., R.S., L.H.M., E.C., V.N.S., S.P.); Stanford University School of Medicine, Palo Alto (B.B., R.L., L.E., M.S.H., M. Basina), Children's Hospital of Orange County, Orange (M.D., A. Bhangoo, N.F., H.K., F.S.), and the University of California, San Diego, La Jolla (J. Pettus, S.B.) - all in California; Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland (K.Z., B.H., L.O.); University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas (P.R., P.C.W., A. Choudhary, J. Penn), and University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio (J.L., R.J., M.R., E.E., C.K., R.F.-P.); the University of Washington, Seattle (I.B.H., S.T.); the Naomi Berrie Diabetes Center, Columbia University, New York (R.G., K.M.W., N.L.); the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (J.B.B., M.S.K., K. Bergamo, K.R.K., J.M.D., S. Machineni, L.A.Y., J.C.D.); the Henry Ford Health System, Detroit (D.K., A. Bhan, J.K.J.); Emory University, Atlanta (A.M., K.C., E.F.); Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis (J.B.M., M.S., J.M.S., S.A., A. Cedeno); Children's National Hospital, Washington, DC (F.C., S. Meighan, A.D.); and the Pritzker Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Health, Ann and Robert Lurie Children's Hospital, Chicago (J.W.-B.).
Hillard MA; The authors' affiliations are as follows: the Diabetes Research Center, Massachusetts General Hospital (S.J.R., C.A.B., J.S.S., L.E.C., M.A.H., M.T., M.S.P., M.Y.S.), and Boston University (E.R.D.), Boston, and Beta Bionics, Concord (E.R.D., F.H.E.-K.) - all in Massachusetts; the Jaeb Center for Health Research, Tampa (R.W.B., K.J.R., Z.L., P.C.), and Nemours Children's Health Jacksonville, Jacksonville (N.M., M. Benson, K. Bird, K.E., J. Permuy) - both in Florida; the Barbara Davis Center for Diabetes, University of Colorado, Aurora (R.P.W., G.F., R.S., L.H.M., E.C., V.N.S., S.P.); Stanford University School of Medicine, Palo Alto (B.B., R.L., L.E., M.S.H., M. Basina), Children's Hospital of Orange County, Orange (M.D., A. Bhangoo, N.F., H.K., F.S.), and the University of California, San Diego, La Jolla (J. Pettus, S.B.) - all in California; Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland (K.Z., B.H., L.O.); University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas (P.R., P.C.W., A. Choudhary, J. Penn), and University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio (J.L., R.J., M.R., E.E., C.K., R.F.-P.); the University of Washington, Seattle (I.B.H., S.T.); the Naomi Berrie Diabetes Center, Columbia University, New York (R.G., K.M.W., N.L.); the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (J.B.B., M.S.K., K. Bergamo, K.R.K., J.M.D., S. Machineni, L.A.Y., J.C.D.); the Henry Ford Health System, Detroit (D.K., A. Bhan, J.K.J.); Emory University, Atlanta (A.M., K.C., E.F.); Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis (J.B.M., M.S., J.M.S., S.A., A. Cedeno); Children's National Hospital, Washington, DC (F.C., S. Meighan, A.D.); and the Pritzker Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Health, Ann and Robert Lurie Children's Hospital, Chicago (J.W.-B.).
Tuffaha M; The authors' affiliations are as follows: the Diabetes Research Center, Massachusetts General Hospital (S.J.R., C.A.B., J.S.S., L.E.C., M.A.H., M.T., M.S.P., M.Y.S.), and Boston University (E.R.D.), Boston, and Beta Bionics, Concord (E.R.D., F.H.E.-K.) - all in Massachusetts; the Jaeb Center for Health Research, Tampa (R.W.B., K.J.R., Z.L., P.C.), and Nemours Children's Health Jacksonville, Jacksonville (N.M., M. Benson, K. Bird, K.E., J. Permuy) - both in Florida; the Barbara Davis Center for Diabetes, University of Colorado, Aurora (R.P.W., G.F., R.S., L.H.M., E.C., V.N.S., S.P.); Stanford University School of Medicine, Palo Alto (B.B., R.L., L.E., M.S.H., M. Basina), Children's Hospital of Orange County, Orange (M.D., A. Bhangoo, N.F., H.K., F.S.), and the University of California, San Diego, La Jolla (J. Pettus, S.B.) - all in California; Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland (K.Z., B.H., L.O.); University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas (P.R., P.C.W., A. Choudhary, J. Penn), and University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio (J.L., R.J., M.R., E.E., C.K., R.F.-P.); the University of Washington, Seattle (I.B.H., S.T.); the Naomi Berrie Diabetes Center, Columbia University, New York (R.G., K.M.W., N.L.); the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (J.B.B., M.S.K., K. Bergamo, K.R.K., J.M.D., S. Machineni, L.A.Y., J.C.D.); the Henry Ford Health System, Detroit (D.K., A. Bhan, J.K.J.); Emory University, Atlanta (A.M., K.C., E.F.); Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis (J.B.M., M.S., J.M.S., S.A., A. Cedeno); Children's National Hospital, Washington, DC (F.C., S. Meighan, A.D.); and the Pritzker Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Health, Ann and Robert Lurie Children's Hospital, Chicago (J.W.-B.).
Putman MS; The authors' affiliations are as follows: the Diabetes Research Center, Massachusetts General Hospital (S.J.R., C.A.B., J.S.S., L.E.C., M.A.H., M.T., M.S.P., M.Y.S.), and Boston University (E.R.D.), Boston, and Beta Bionics, Concord (E.R.D., F.H.E.-K.) - all in Massachusetts; the Jaeb Center for Health Research, Tampa (R.W.B., K.J.R., Z.L., P.C.), and Nemours Children's Health Jacksonville, Jacksonville (N.M., M. Benson, K. Bird, K.E., J. Permuy) - both in Florida; the Barbara Davis Center for Diabetes, University of Colorado, Aurora (R.P.W., G.F., R.S., L.H.M., E.C., V.N.S., S.P.); Stanford University School of Medicine, Palo Alto (B.B., R.L., L.E., M.S.H., M. Basina), Children's Hospital of Orange County, Orange (M.D., A. Bhangoo, N.F., H.K., F.S.), and the University of California, San Diego, La Jolla (J. Pettus, S.B.) - all in California; Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland (K.Z., B.H., L.O.); University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas (P.R., P.C.W., A. Choudhary, J. Penn), and University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio (J.L., R.J., M.R., E.E., C.K., R.F.-P.); the University of Washington, Seattle (I.B.H., S.T.); the Naomi Berrie Diabetes Center, Columbia University, New York (R.G., K.M.W., N.L.); the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (J.B.B., M.S.K., K. Bergamo, K.R.K., J.M.D., S. Machineni, L.A.Y., J.C.D.); the Henry Ford Health System, Detroit (D.K., A. Bhan, J.K.J.); Emory University, Atlanta (A.M., K.C., E.F.); Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis (J.B.M., M.S., J.M.S., S.A., A. Cedeno); Children's National Hospital, Washington, DC (F.C., S. Meighan, A.D.); and the Pritzker Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Health, Ann and Robert Lurie Children's Hospital, Chicago (J.W.-B.).
Sands MY; The authors' affiliations are as follows: the Diabetes Research Center, Massachusetts General Hospital (S.J.R., C.A.B., J.S.S., L.E.C., M.A.H., M.T., M.S.P., M.Y.S.), and Boston University (E.R.D.), Boston, and Beta Bionics, Concord (E.R.D., F.H.E.-K.) - all in Massachusetts; the Jaeb Center for Health Research, Tampa (R.W.B., K.J.R., Z.L., P.C.), and Nemours Children's Health Jacksonville, Jacksonville (N.M., M. Benson, K. Bird, K.E., J. Permuy) - both in Florida; the Barbara Davis Center for Diabetes, University of Colorado, Aurora (R.P.W., G.F., R.S., L.H.M., E.C., V.N.S., S.P.); Stanford University School of Medicine, Palo Alto (B.B., R.L., L.E., M.S.H., M. Basina), Children's Hospital of Orange County, Orange (M.D., A. Bhangoo, N.F., H.K., F.S.), and the University of California, San Diego, La Jolla (J. Pettus, S.B.) - all in California; Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland (K.Z., B.H., L.O.); University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas (P.R., P.C.W., A. Choudhary, J. Penn), and University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio (J.L., R.J., M.R., E.E., C.K., R.F.-P.); the University of Washington, Seattle (I.B.H., S.T.); the Naomi Berrie Diabetes Center, Columbia University, New York (R.G., K.M.W., N.L.); the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (J.B.B., M.S.K., K. Bergamo, K.R.K., J.M.D., S. Machineni, L.A.Y., J.C.D.); the Henry Ford Health System, Detroit (D.K., A. Bhan, J.K.J.); Emory University, Atlanta (A.M., K.C., E.F.); Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis (J.B.M., M.S., J.M.S., S.A., A. Cedeno); Children's National Hospital, Washington, DC (F.C., S. Meighan, A.D.); and the Pritzker Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Health, Ann and Robert Lurie Children's Hospital, Chicago (J.W.-B.).
Forlenza G; The authors' affiliations are as follows: the Diabetes Research Center, Massachusetts General Hospital (S.J.R., C.A.B., J.S.S., L.E.C., M.A.H., M.T., M.S.P., M.Y.S.), and Boston University (E.R.D.), Boston, and Beta Bionics, Concord (E.R.D., F.H.E.-K.) - all in Massachusetts; the Jaeb Center for Health Research, Tampa (R.W.B., K.J.R., Z.L., P.C.), and Nemours Children's Health Jacksonville, Jacksonville (N.M., M. Benson, K. Bird, K.E., J. Permuy) - both in Florida; the Barbara Davis Center for Diabetes, University of Colorado, Aurora (R.P.W., G.F., R.S., L.H.M., E.C., V.N.S., S.P.); Stanford University School of Medicine, Palo Alto (B.B., R.L., L.E., M.S.H., M. Basina), Children's Hospital of Orange County, Orange (M.D., A. Bhangoo, N.F., H.K., F.S.), and the University of California, San Diego, La Jolla (J. Pettus, S.B.) - all in California; Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland (K.Z., B.H., L.O.); University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas (P.R., P.C.W., A. Choudhary, J. Penn), and University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio (J.L., R.J., M.R., E.E., C.K., R.F.-P.); the University of Washington, Seattle (I.B.H., S.T.); the Naomi Berrie Diabetes Center, Columbia University, New York (R.G., K.M.W., N.L.); the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (J.B.B., M.S.K., K. Bergamo, K.R.K., J.M.D., S. Machineni, L.A.Y., J.C.D.); the Henry Ford Health System, Detroit (D.K., A. Bhan, J.K.J.); Emory University, Atlanta (A.M., K.C., E.F.); Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis (J.B.M., M.S., J.M.S., S.A., A. Cedeno); Children's National Hospital, Washington, DC (F.C., S. Meighan, A.D.); and the Pritzker Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Health, Ann and Robert Lurie Children's Hospital, Chicago (J.W.-B.).
Slover R; The authors' affiliations are as follows: the Diabetes Research Center, Massachusetts General Hospital (S.J.R., C.A.B., J.S.S., L.E.C., M.A.H., M.T., M.S.P., M.Y.S.), and Boston University (E.R.D.), Boston, and Beta Bionics, Concord (E.R.D., F.H.E.-K.) - all in Massachusetts; the Jaeb Center for Health Research, Tampa (R.W.B., K.J.R., Z.L., P.C.), and Nemours Children's Health Jacksonville, Jacksonville (N.M., M. Benson, K. Bird, K.E., J. Permuy) - both in Florida; the Barbara Davis Center for Diabetes, University of Colorado, Aurora (R.P.W., G.F., R.S., L.H.M., E.C., V.N.S., S.P.); Stanford University School of Medicine, Palo Alto (B.B., R.L., L.E., M.S.H., M. Basina), Children's Hospital of Orange County, Orange (M.D., A. Bhangoo, N.F., H.K., F.S.), and the University of California, San Diego, La Jolla (J. Pettus, S.B.) - all in California; Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland (K.Z., B.H., L.O.); University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas (P.R., P.C.W., A. Choudhary, J. Penn), and University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio (J.L., R.J., M.R., E.E., C.K., R.F.-P.); the University of Washington, Seattle (I.B.H., S.T.); the Naomi Berrie Diabetes Center, Columbia University, New York (R.G., K.M.W., N.L.); the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (J.B.B., M.S.K., K. Bergamo, K.R.K., J.M.D., S. Machineni, L.A.Y., J.C.D.); the Henry Ford Health System, Detroit (D.K., A. Bhan, J.K.J.); Emory University, Atlanta (A.M., K.C., E.F.); Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis (J.B.M., M.S., J.M.S., S.A., A. Cedeno); Children's National Hospital, Washington, DC (F.C., S. Meighan, A.D.); and the Pritzker Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Health, Ann and Robert Lurie Children's Hospital, Chicago (J.W.-B.).
Messer LH; The authors' affiliations are as follows: the Diabetes Research Center, Massachusetts General Hospital (S.J.R., C.A.B., J.S.S., L.E.C., M.A.H., M.T., M.S.P., M.Y.S.), and Boston University (E.R.D.), Boston, and Beta Bionics, Concord (E.R.D., F.H.E.-K.) - all in Massachusetts; the Jaeb Center for Health Research, Tampa (R.W.B., K.J.R., Z.L., P.C.), and Nemours Children's Health Jacksonville, Jacksonville (N.M., M. Benson, K. Bird, K.E., J. Permuy) - both in Florida; the Barbara Davis Center for Diabetes, University of Colorado, Aurora (R.P.W., G.F., R.S., L.H.M., E.C., V.N.S., S.P.); Stanford University School of Medicine, Palo Alto (B.B., R.L., L.E., M.S.H., M. Basina), Children's Hospital of Orange County, Orange (M.D., A. Bhangoo, N.F., H.K., F.S.), and the University of California, San Diego, La Jolla (J. Pettus, S.B.) - all in California; Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland (K.Z., B.H., L.O.); University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas (P.R., P.C.W., A. Choudhary, J. Penn), and University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio (J.L., R.J., M.R., E.E., C.K., R.F.-P.); the University of Washington, Seattle (I.B.H., S.T.); the Naomi Berrie Diabetes Center, Columbia University, New York (R.G., K.M.W., N.L.); the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (J.B.B., M.S.K., K. Bergamo, K.R.K., J.M.D., S. Machineni, L.A.Y., J.C.D.); the Henry Ford Health System, Detroit (D.K., A. Bhan, J.K.J.); Emory University, Atlanta (A.M., K.C., E.F.); Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis (J.B.M., M.S., J.M.S., S.A., A. Cedeno); Children's National Hospital, Washington, DC (F.C., S. Meighan, A.D.); and the Pritzker Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Health, Ann and Robert Lurie Children's Hospital, Chicago (J.W.-B.).
Cobry E; The authors' affiliations are as follows: the Diabetes Research Center, Massachusetts General Hospital (S.J.R., C.A.B., J.S.S., L.E.C., M.A.H., M.T., M.S.P., M.Y.S.), and Boston University (E.R.D.), Boston, and Beta Bionics, Concord (E.R.D., F.H.E.-K.) - all in Massachusetts; the Jaeb Center for Health Research, Tampa (R.W.B., K.J.R., Z.L., P.C.), and Nemours Children's Health Jacksonville, Jacksonville (N.M., M. Benson, K. Bird, K.E., J. Permuy) - both in Florida; the Barbara Davis Center for Diabetes, University of Colorado, Aurora (R.P.W., G.F., R.S., L.H.M., E.C., V.N.S., S.P.); Stanford University School of Medicine, Palo Alto (B.B., R.L., L.E., M.S.H., M. Basina), Children's Hospital of Orange County, Orange (M.D., A. Bhangoo, N.F., H.K., F.S.), and the University of California, San Diego, La Jolla (J. Pettus, S.B.) - all in California; Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland (K.Z., B.H., L.O.); University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas (P.R., P.C.W., A. Choudhary, J. Penn), and University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio (J.L., R.J., M.R., E.E., C.K., R.F.-P.); the University of Washington, Seattle (I.B.H., S.T.); the Naomi Berrie Diabetes Center, Columbia University, New York (R.G., K.M.W., N.L.); the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (J.B.B., M.S.K., K. Bergamo, K.R.K., J.M.D., S. Machineni, L.A.Y., J.C.D.); the Henry Ford Health System, Detroit (D.K., A. Bhan, J.K.J.); Emory University, Atlanta (A.M., K.C., E.F.); Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis (J.B.M., M.S., J.M.S., S.A., A. Cedeno); Children's National Hospital, Washington, DC (F.C., S. Meighan, A.D.); and the Pritzker Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Health, Ann and Robert Lurie Children's Hospital, Chicago (J.W.-B.).
Shah VN; The authors' affiliations are as follows: the Diabetes Research Center, Massachusetts General Hospital (S.J.R., C.A.B., J.S.S., L.E.C., M.A.H., M.T., M.S.P., M.Y.S.), and Boston University (E.R.D.), Boston, and Beta Bionics, Concord (E.R.D., F.H.E.-K.) - all in Massachusetts; the Jaeb Center for Health Research, Tampa (R.W.B., K.J.R., Z.L., P.C.), and Nemours Children's Health Jacksonville, Jacksonville (N.M., M. Benson, K. Bird, K.E., J. Permuy) - both in Florida; the Barbara Davis Center for Diabetes, University of Colorado, Aurora (R.P.W., G.F., R.S., L.H.M., E.C., V.N.S., S.P.); Stanford University School of Medicine, Palo Alto (B.B., R.L., L.E., M.S.H., M. Basina), Children's Hospital of Orange County, Orange (M.D., A. Bhangoo, N.F., H.K., F.S.), and the University of California, San Diego, La Jolla (J. Pettus, S.B.) - all in California; Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland (K.Z., B.H., L.O.); University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas (P.R., P.C.W., A. Choudhary, J. Penn), and University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio (J.L., R.J., M.R., E.E., C.K., R.F.-P.); the University of Washington, Seattle (I.B.H., S.T.); the Naomi Berrie Diabetes Center, Columbia University, New York (R.G., K.M.W., N.L.); the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (J.B.B., M.S.K., K. Bergamo, K.R.K., J.M.D., S. Machineni, L.A.Y., J.C.D.); the Henry Ford Health System, Detroit (D.K., A. Bhan, J.K.J.); Emory University, Atlanta (A.M., K.C., E.F.); Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis (J.B.M., M.S., J.M.S., S.A., A. Cedeno); Children's National Hospital, Washington, DC (F.C., S. Meighan, A.D.); and the Pritzker Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Health, Ann and Robert Lurie Children's Hospital, Chicago (J.W.-B.).
Polsky S; The authors' affiliations are as follows: the Diabetes Research Center, Massachusetts General Hospital (S.J.R., C.A.B., J.S.S., L.E.C., M.A.H., M.T., M.S.P., M.Y.S.), and Boston University (E.R.D.), Boston, and Beta Bionics, Concord (E.R.D., F.H.E.-K.) - all in Massachusetts; the Jaeb Center for Health Research, Tampa (R.W.B., K.J.R., Z.L., P.C.), and Nemours Children's Health Jacksonville, Jacksonville (N.M., M. Benson, K. Bird, K.E., J. Permuy) - both in Florida; the Barbara Davis Center for Diabetes, University of Colorado, Aurora (R.P.W., G.F., R.S., L.H.M., E.C., V.N.S., S.P.); Stanford University School of Medicine, Palo Alto (B.B., R.L., L.E., M.S.H., M. Basina), Children's Hospital of Orange County, Orange (M.D., A. Bhangoo, N.F., H.K., F.S.), and the University of California, San Diego, La Jolla (J. Pettus, S.B.) - all in California; Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland (K.Z., B.H., L.O.); University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas (P.R., P.C.W., A. Choudhary, J. Penn), and University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio (J.L., R.J., M.R., E.E., C.K., R.F.-P.); the University of Washington, Seattle (I.B.H., S.T.); the Naomi Berrie Diabetes Center, Columbia University, New York (R.G., K.M.W., N.L.); the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (J.B.B., M.S.K., K. Bergamo, K.R.K., J.M.D., S. Machineni, L.A.Y., J.C.D.); the Henry Ford Health System, Detroit (D.K., A. Bhan, J.K.J.); Emory University, Atlanta (A.M., K.C., E.F.); Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis (J.B.M., M.S., J.M.S., S.A., A. Cedeno); Children's National Hospital, Washington, DC (F.C., S. Meighan, A.D.); and the Pritzker Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Health, Ann and Robert Lurie Children's Hospital, Chicago (J.W.-B.).
Lal R; The authors' affiliations are as follows: the Diabetes Research Center, Massachusetts General Hospital (S.J.R., C.A.B., J.S.S., L.E.C., M.A.H., M.T., M.S.P., M.Y.S.), and Boston University (E.R.D.), Boston, and Beta Bionics, Concord (E.R.D., F.H.E.-K.) - all in Massachusetts; the Jaeb Center for Health Research, Tampa (R.W.B., K.J.R., Z.L., P.C.), and Nemours Children's Health Jacksonville, Jacksonville (N.M., M. Benson, K. Bird, K.E., J. Permuy) - both in Florida; the Barbara Davis Center for Diabetes, University of Colorado, Aurora (R.P.W., G.F., R.S., L.H.M., E.C., V.N.S., S.P.); Stanford University School of Medicine, Palo Alto (B.B., R.L., L.E., M.S.H., M. Basina), Children's Hospital of Orange County, Orange (M.D., A. Bhangoo, N.F., H.K., F.S.), and the University of California, San Diego, La Jolla (J. Pettus, S.B.) - all in California; Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland (K.Z., B.H., L.O.); University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas (P.R., P.C.W., A. Choudhary, J. Penn), and University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio (J.L., R.J., M.R., E.E., C.K., R.F.-P.); the University of Washington, Seattle (I.B.H., S.T.); the Naomi Berrie Diabetes Center, Columbia University, New York (R.G., K.M.W., N.L.); the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (J.B.B., M.S.K., K. Bergamo, K.R.K., J.M.D., S. Machineni, L.A.Y., J.C.D.); the Henry Ford Health System, Detroit (D.K., A. Bhan, J.K.J.); Emory University, Atlanta (A.M., K.C., E.F.); Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis (J.B.M., M.S., J.M.S., S.A., A. Cedeno); Children's National Hospital, Washington, DC (F.C., S. Meighan, A.D.); and the Pritzker Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Health, Ann and Robert Lurie Children's Hospital, Chicago (J.W.-B.).
Ekhlaspour L; The authors' affiliations are as follows: the Diabetes Research Center, Massachusetts General Hospital (S.J.R., C.A.B., J.S.S., L.E.C., M.A.H., M.T., M.S.P., M.Y.S.), and Boston University (E.R.D.), Boston, and Beta Bionics, Concord (E.R.D., F.H.E.-K.) - all in Massachusetts; the Jaeb Center for Health Research, Tampa (R.W.B., K.J.R., Z.L., P.C.), and Nemours Children's Health Jacksonville, Jacksonville (N.M., M. Benson, K. Bird, K.E., J. Permuy) - both in Florida; the Barbara Davis Center for Diabetes, University of Colorado, Aurora (R.P.W., G.F., R.S., L.H.M., E.C., V.N.S., S.P.); Stanford University School of Medicine, Palo Alto (B.B., R.L., L.E., M.S.H., M. Basina), Children's Hospital of Orange County, Orange (M.D., A. Bhangoo, N.F., H.K., F.S.), and the University of California, San Diego, La Jolla (J. Pettus, S.B.) - all in California; Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland (K.Z., B.H., L.O.); University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas (P.R., P.C.W., A. Choudhary, J. Penn), and University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio (J.L., R.J., M.R., E.E., C.K., R.F.-P.); the University of Washington, Seattle (I.B.H., S.T.); the Naomi Berrie Diabetes Center, Columbia University, New York (R.G., K.M.W., N.L.); the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (J.B.B., M.S.K., K. Bergamo, K.R.K., J.M.D., S. Machineni, L.A.Y., J.C.D.); the Henry Ford Health System, Detroit (D.K., A. Bhan, J.K.J.); Emory University, Atlanta (A.M., K.C., E.F.); Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis (J.B.M., M.S., J.M.S., S.A., A. Cedeno); Children's National Hospital, Washington, DC (F.C., S. Meighan, A.D.); and the Pritzker Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Health, Ann and Robert Lurie Children's Hospital, Chicago (J.W.-B.).
Hughes MS; The authors' affiliations are as follows: the Diabetes Research Center, Massachusetts General Hospital (S.J.R., C.A.B., J.S.S., L.E.C., M.A.H., M.T., M.S.P., M.Y.S.), and Boston University (E.R.D.), Boston, and Beta Bionics, Concord (E.R.D., F.H.E.-K.) - all in Massachusetts; the Jaeb Center for Health Research, Tampa (R.W.B., K.J.R., Z.L., P.C.), and Nemours Children's Health Jacksonville, Jacksonville (N.M., M. Benson, K. Bird, K.E., J. Permuy) - both in Florida; the Barbara Davis Center for Diabetes, University of Colorado, Aurora (R.P.W., G.F., R.S., L.H.M., E.C., V.N.S., S.P.); Stanford University School of Medicine, Palo Alto (B.B., R.L., L.E., M.S.H., M. Basina), Children's Hospital of Orange County, Orange (M.D., A. Bhangoo, N.F., H.K., F.S.), and the University of California, San Diego, La Jolla (J. Pettus, S.B.) - all in California; Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland (K.Z., B.H., L.O.); University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas (P.R., P.C.W., A. Choudhary, J. Penn), and University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio (J.L., R.J., M.R., E.E., C.K., R.F.-P.); the University of Washington, Seattle (I.B.H., S.T.); the Naomi Berrie Diabetes Center, Columbia University, New York (R.G., K.M.W., N.L.); the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (J.B.B., M.S.K., K. Bergamo, K.R.K., J.M.D., S. Machineni, L.A.Y., J.C.D.); the Henry Ford Health System, Detroit (D.K., A. Bhan, J.K.J.); Emory University, Atlanta (A.M., K.C., E.F.); Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis (J.B.M., M.S., J.M.S., S.A., A. Cedeno); Children's National Hospital, Washington, DC (F.C., S. Meighan, A.D.); and the Pritzker Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Health, Ann and Robert Lurie Children's Hospital, Chicago (J.W.-B.).
Basina M; The authors' affiliations are as follows: the Diabetes Research Center, Massachusetts General Hospital (S.J.R., C.A.B., J.S.S., L.E.C., M.A.H., M.T., M.S.P., M.Y.S.), and Boston University (E.R.D.), Boston, and Beta Bionics, Concord (E.R.D., F.H.E.-K.) - all in Massachusetts; the Jaeb Center for Health Research, Tampa (R.W.B., K.J.R., Z.L., P.C.), and Nemours Children's Health Jacksonville, Jacksonville (N.M., M. Benson, K. Bird, K.E., J. Permuy) - both in Florida; the Barbara Davis Center for Diabetes, University of Colorado, Aurora (R.P.W., G.F., R.S., L.H.M., E.C., V.N.S., S.P.); Stanford University School of Medicine, Palo Alto (B.B., R.L., L.E., M.S.H., M. Basina), Children's Hospital of Orange County, Orange (M.D., A. Bhangoo, N.F., H.K., F.S.), and the University of California, San Diego, La Jolla (J. Pettus, S.B.) - all in California; Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland (K.Z., B.H., L.O.); University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas (P.R., P.C.W., A. Choudhary, J. Penn), and University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio (J.L., R.J., M.R., E.E., C.K., R.F.-P.); the University of Washington, Seattle (I.B.H., S.T.); the Naomi Berrie Diabetes Center, Columbia University, New York (R.G., K.M.W., N.L.); the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (J.B.B., M.S.K., K. Bergamo, K.R.K., J.M.D., S. Machineni, L.A.Y., J.C.D.); the Henry Ford Health System, Detroit (D.K., A. Bhan, J.K.J.); Emory University, Atlanta (A.M., K.C., E.F.); Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis (J.B.M., M.S., J.M.S., S.A., A. Cedeno); Children's National Hospital, Washington, DC (F.C., S. Meighan, A.D.); and the Pritzker Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Health, Ann and Robert Lurie Children's Hospital, Chicago (J.W.-B.).
Hatipoglu B; The authors' affiliations are as follows: the Diabetes Research Center, Massachusetts General Hospital (S.J.R., C.A.B., J.S.S., L.E.C., M.A.H., M.T., M.S.P., M.Y.S.), and Boston University (E.R.D.), Boston, and Beta Bionics, Concord (E.R.D., F.H.E.-K.) - all in Massachusetts; the Jaeb Center for Health Research, Tampa (R.W.B., K.J.R., Z.L., P.C.), and Nemours Children's Health Jacksonville, Jacksonville (N.M., M. Benson, K. Bird, K.E., J. Permuy) - both in Florida; the Barbara Davis Center for Diabetes, University of Colorado, Aurora (R.P.W., G.F., R.S., L.H.M., E.C., V.N.S., S.P.); Stanford University School of Medicine, Palo Alto (B.B., R.L., L.E., M.S.H., M. Basina), Children's Hospital of Orange County, Orange (M.D., A. Bhangoo, N.F., H.K., F.S.), and the University of California, San Diego, La Jolla (J. Pettus, S.B.) - all in California; Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland (K.Z., B.H., L.O.); University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas (P.R., P.C.W., A. Choudhary, J. Penn), and University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio (J.L., R.J., M.R., E.E., C.K., R.F.-P.); the University of Washington, Seattle (I.B.H., S.T.); the Naomi Berrie Diabetes Center, Columbia University, New York (R.G., K.M.W., N.L.); the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (J.B.B., M.S.K., K. Bergamo, K.R.K., J.M.D., S. Machineni, L.A.Y., J.C.D.); the Henry Ford Health System, Detroit (D.K., A. Bhan, J.K.J.); Emory University, Atlanta (A.M., K.C., E.F.); Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis (J.B.M., M.S., J.M.S., S.A., A. Cedeno); Children's National Hospital, Washington, DC (F.C., S. Meighan, A.D.); and the Pritzker Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Health, Ann and Robert Lurie Children's Hospital, Chicago (J.W.-B.).
Olansky L; The authors' affiliations are as follows: the Diabetes Research Center, Massachusetts General Hospital (S.J.R., C.A.B., J.S.S., L.E.C., M.A.H., M.T., M.S.P., M.Y.S.), and Boston University (E.R.D.), Boston, and Beta Bionics, Concord (E.R.D., F.H.E.-K.) - all in Massachusetts; the Jaeb Center for Health Research, Tampa (R.W.B., K.J.R., Z.L., P.C.), and Nemours Children's Health Jacksonville, Jacksonville (N.M., M. Benson, K. Bird, K.E., J. Permuy) - both in Florida; the Barbara Davis Center for Diabetes, University of Colorado, Aurora (R.P.W., G.F., R.S., L.H.M., E.C., V.N.S., S.P.); Stanford University School of Medicine, Palo Alto (B.B., R.L., L.E., M.S.H., M. Basina), Children's Hospital of Orange County, Orange (M.D., A. Bhangoo, N.F., H.K., F.S.), and the University of California, San Diego, La Jolla (J. Pettus, S.B.) - all in California; Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland (K.Z., B.H., L.O.); University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas (P.R., P.C.W., A. Choudhary, J. Penn), and University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio (J.L., R.J., M.R., E.E., C.K., R.F.-P.); the University of Washington, Seattle (I.B.H., S.T.); the Naomi Berrie Diabetes Center, Columbia University, New York (R.G., K.M.W., N.L.); the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (J.B.B., M.S.K., K. Bergamo, K.R.K., J.M.D., S. Machineni, L.A.Y., J.C.D.); the Henry Ford Health System, Detroit (D.K., A. Bhan, J.K.J.); Emory University, Atlanta (A.M., K.C., E.F.); Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis (J.B.M., M.S., J.M.S., S.A., A. Cedeno); Children's National Hospital, Washington, DC (F.C., S. Meighan, A.D.); and the Pritzker Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Health, Ann and Robert Lurie Children's Hospital, Chicago (J.W.-B.).
Bhangoo A; The authors' affiliations are as follows: the Diabetes Research Center, Massachusetts General Hospital (S.J.R., C.A.B., J.S.S., L.E.C., M.A.H., M.T., M.S.P., M.Y.S.), and Boston University (E.R.D.), Boston, and Beta Bionics, Concord (E.R.D., F.H.E.-K.) - all in Massachusetts; the Jaeb Center for Health Research, Tampa (R.W.B., K.J.R., Z.L., P.C.), and Nemours Children's Health Jacksonville, Jacksonville (N.M., M. Benson, K. Bird, K.E., J. Permuy) - both in Florida; the Barbara Davis Center for Diabetes, University of Colorado, Aurora (R.P.W., G.F., R.S., L.H.M., E.C., V.N.S., S.P.); Stanford University School of Medicine, Palo Alto (B.B., R.L., L.E., M.S.H., M. Basina), Children's Hospital of Orange County, Orange (M.D., A. Bhangoo, N.F., H.K., F.S.), and the University of California, San Diego, La Jolla (J. Pettus, S.B.) - all in California; Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland (K.Z., B.H., L.O.); University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas (P.R., P.C.W., A. Choudhary, J. Penn), and University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio (J.L., R.J., M.R., E.E., C.K., R.F.-P.); the University of Washington, Seattle (I.B.H., S.T.); the Naomi Berrie Diabetes Center, Columbia University, New York (R.G., K.M.W., N.L.); the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (J.B.B., M.S.K., K. Bergamo, K.R.K., J.M.D., S. Machineni, L.A.Y., J.C.D.); the Henry Ford Health System, Detroit (D.K., A. Bhan, J.K.J.); Emory University, Atlanta (A.M., K.C., E.F.); Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis (J.B.M., M.S., J.M.S., S.A., A. Cedeno); Children's National Hospital, Washington, DC (F.C., S. Meighan, A.D.); and the Pritzker Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Health, Ann and Robert Lurie Children's Hospital, Chicago (J.W.-B.).
Forghani N; The authors' affiliations are as follows: the Diabetes Research Center, Massachusetts General Hospital (S.J.R., C.A.B., J.S.S., L.E.C., M.A.H., M.T., M.S.P., M.Y.S.), and Boston University (E.R.D.), Boston, and Beta Bionics, Concord (E.R.D., F.H.E.-K.) - all in Massachusetts; the Jaeb Center for Health Research, Tampa (R.W.B., K.J.R., Z.L., P.C.), and Nemours Children's Health Jacksonville, Jacksonville (N.M., M. Benson, K. Bird, K.E., J. Permuy) - both in Florida; the Barbara Davis Center for Diabetes, University of Colorado, Aurora (R.P.W., G.F., R.S., L.H.M., E.C., V.N.S., S.P.); Stanford University School of Medicine, Palo Alto (B.B., R.L., L.E., M.S.H., M. Basina), Children's Hospital of Orange County, Orange (M.D., A. Bhangoo, N.F., H.K., F.S.), and the University of California, San Diego, La Jolla (J. Pettus, S.B.) - all in California; Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland (K.Z., B.H., L.O.); University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas (P.R., P.C.W., A. Choudhary, J. Penn), and University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio (J.L., R.J., M.R., E.E., C.K., R.F.-P.); the University of Washington, Seattle (I.B.H., S.T.); the Naomi Berrie Diabetes Center, Columbia University, New York (R.G., K.M.W., N.L.); the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (J.B.B., M.S.K., K. Bergamo, K.R.K., J.M.D., S. Machineni, L.A.Y., J.C.D.); the Henry Ford Health System, Detroit (D.K., A. Bhan, J.K.J.); Emory University, Atlanta (A.M., K.C., E.F.); Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis (J.B.M., M.S., J.M.S., S.A., A. Cedeno); Children's National Hospital, Washington, DC (F.C., S. Meighan, A.D.); and the Pritzker Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Health, Ann and Robert Lurie Children's Hospital, Chicago (J.W.-B.).
Kashmiri H; The authors' affiliations are as follows: the Diabetes Research Center, Massachusetts General Hospital (S.J.R., C.A.B., J.S.S., L.E.C., M.A.H., M.T., M.S.P., M.Y.S.), and Boston University (E.R.D.), Boston, and Beta Bionics, Concord (E.R.D., F.H.E.-K.) - all in Massachusetts; the Jaeb Center for Health Research, Tampa (R.W.B., K.J.R., Z.L., P.C.), and Nemours Children's Health Jacksonville, Jacksonville (N.M., M. Benson, K. Bird, K.E., J. Permuy) - both in Florida; the Barbara Davis Center for Diabetes, University of Colorado, Aurora (R.P.W., G.F., R.S., L.H.M., E.C., V.N.S., S.P.); Stanford University School of Medicine, Palo Alto (B.B., R.L., L.E., M.S.H., M. Basina), Children's Hospital of Orange County, Orange (M.D., A. Bhangoo, N.F., H.K., F.S.), and the University of California, San Diego, La Jolla (J. Pettus, S.B.) - all in California; Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland (K.Z., B.H., L.O.); University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas (P.R., P.C.W., A. Choudhary, J. Penn), and University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio (J.L., R.J., M.R., E.E., C.K., R.F.-P.); the University of Washington, Seattle (I.B.H., S.T.); the Naomi Berrie Diabetes Center, Columbia University, New York (R.G., K.M.W., N.L.); the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (J.B.B., M.S.K., K. Bergamo, K.R.K., J.M.D., S. Machineni, L.A.Y., J.C.D.); the Henry Ford Health System, Detroit (D.K., A. Bhan, J.K.J.); Emory University, Atlanta (A.M., K.C., E.F.); Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis (J.B.M., M.S., J.M.S., S.A., A. Cedeno); Children's National Hospital, Washington, DC (F.C., S. Meighan, A.D.); and the Pritzker Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Health, Ann and Robert Lurie Children's Hospital, Chicago (J.W.-B.).
Sutton F; The authors' affiliations are as follows: the Diabetes Research Center, Massachusetts General Hospital (S.J.R., C.A.B., J.S.S., L.E.C., M.A.H., M.T., M.S.P., M.Y.S.), and Boston University (E.R.D.), Boston, and Beta Bionics, Concord (E.R.D., F.H.E.-K.) - all in Massachusetts; the Jaeb Center for Health Research, Tampa (R.W.B., K.J.R., Z.L., P.C.), and Nemours Children's Health Jacksonville, Jacksonville (N.M., M. Benson, K. Bird, K.E., J. Permuy) - both in Florida; the Barbara Davis Center for Diabetes, University of Colorado, Aurora (R.P.W., G.F., R.S., L.H.M., E.C., V.N.S., S.P.); Stanford University School of Medicine, Palo Alto (B.B., R.L., L.E., M.S.H., M. Basina), Children's Hospital of Orange County, Orange (M.D., A. Bhangoo, N.F., H.K., F.S.), and the University of California, San Diego, La Jolla (J. Pettus, S.B.) - all in California; Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland (K.Z., B.H., L.O.); University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas (P.R., P.C.W., A. Choudhary, J. Penn), and University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio (J.L., R.J., M.R., E.E., C.K., R.F.-P.); the University of Washington, Seattle (I.B.H., S.T.); the Naomi Berrie Diabetes Center, Columbia University, New York (R.G., K.M.W., N.L.); the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (J.B.B., M.S.K., K. Bergamo, K.R.K., J.M.D., S. Machineni, L.A.Y., J.C.D.); the Henry Ford Health System, Detroit (D.K., A. Bhan, J.K.J.); Emory University, Atlanta (A.M., K.C., E.F.); Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis (J.B.M., M.S., J.M.S., S.A., A. Cedeno); Children's National Hospital, Washington, DC (F.C., S. Meighan, A.D.); and the Pritzker Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Health, Ann and Robert Lurie Children's Hospital, Chicago (J.W.-B.).
Choudhary A; The authors' affiliations are as follows: the Diabetes Research Center, Massachusetts General Hospital (S.J.R., C.A.B., J.S.S., L.E.C., M.A.H., M.T., M.S.P., M.Y.S.), and Boston University (E.R.D.), Boston, and Beta Bionics, Concord (E.R.D., F.H.E.-K.) - all in Massachusetts; the Jaeb Center for Health Research, Tampa (R.W.B., K.J.R., Z.L., P.C.), and Nemours Children's Health Jacksonville, Jacksonville (N.M., M. Benson, K. Bird, K.E., J. Permuy) - both in Florida; the Barbara Davis Center for Diabetes, University of Colorado, Aurora (R.P.W., G.F., R.S., L.H.M., E.C., V.N.S., S.P.); Stanford University School of Medicine, Palo Alto (B.B., R.L., L.E., M.S.H., M. Basina), Children's Hospital of Orange County, Orange (M.D., A. Bhangoo, N.F., H.K., F.S.), and the University of California, San Diego, La Jolla (J. Pettus, S.B.) - all in California; Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland (K.Z., B.H., L.O.); University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas (P.R., P.C.W., A. Choudhary, J. Penn), and University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio (J.L., R.J., M.R., E.E., C.K., R.F.-P.); the University of Washington, Seattle (I.B.H., S.T.); the Naomi Berrie Diabetes Center, Columbia University, New York (R.G., K.M.W., N.L.); the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (J.B.B., M.S.K., K. Bergamo, K.R.K., J.M.D., S. Machineni, L.A.Y., J.C.D.); the Henry Ford Health System, Detroit (D.K., A. Bhan, J.K.J.); Emory University, Atlanta (A.M., K.C., E.F.); Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis (J.B.M., M.S., J.M.S., S.A., A. Cedeno); Children's National Hospital, Washington, DC (F.C., S. Meighan, A.D.); and the Pritzker Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Health, Ann and Robert Lurie Children's Hospital, Chicago (J.W.-B.).
Penn J; The authors' affiliations are as follows: the Diabetes Research Center, Massachusetts General Hospital (S.J.R., C.A.B., J.S.S., L.E.C., M.A.H., M.T., M.S.P., M.Y.S.), and Boston University (E.R.D.), Boston, and Beta Bionics, Concord (E.R.D., F.H.E.-K.) - all in Massachusetts; the Jaeb Center for Health Research, Tampa (R.W.B., K.J.R., Z.L., P.C.), and Nemours Children's Health Jacksonville, Jacksonville (N.M., M. Benson, K. Bird, K.E., J. Permuy) - both in Florida; the Barbara Davis Center for Diabetes, University of Colorado, Aurora (R.P.W., G.F., R.S., L.H.M., E.C., V.N.S., S.P.); Stanford University School of Medicine, Palo Alto (B.B., R.L., L.E., M.S.H., M. Basina), Children's Hospital of Orange County, Orange (M.D., A. Bhangoo, N.F., H.K., F.S.), and the University of California, San Diego, La Jolla (J. Pettus, S.B.) - all in California; Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland (K.Z., B.H., L.O.); University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas (P.R., P.C.W., A. Choudhary, J. Penn), and University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio (J.L., R.J., M.R., E.E., C.K., R.F.-P.); the University of Washington, Seattle (I.B.H., S.T.); the Naomi Berrie Diabetes Center, Columbia University, New York (R.G., K.M.W., N.L.); the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (J.B.B., M.S.K., K. Bergamo, K.R.K., J.M.D., S. Machineni, L.A.Y., J.C.D.); the Henry Ford Health System, Detroit (D.K., A. Bhan, J.K.J.); Emory University, Atlanta (A.M., K.C., E.F.); Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis (J.B.M., M.S., J.M.S., S.A., A. Cedeno); Children's National Hospital, Washington, DC (F.C., S. Meighan, A.D.); and the Pritzker Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Health, Ann and Robert Lurie Children's Hospital, Chicago (J.W.-B.).
Jafri R; The authors' affiliations are as follows: the Diabetes Research Center, Massachusetts General Hospital (S.J.R., C.A.B., J.S.S., L.E.C., M.A.H., M.T., M.S.P., M.Y.S.), and Boston University (E.R.D.), Boston, and Beta Bionics, Concord (E.R.D., F.H.E.-K.) - all in Massachusetts; the Jaeb Center for Health Research, Tampa (R.W.B., K.J.R., Z.L., P.C.), and Nemours Children's Health Jacksonville, Jacksonville (N.M., M. Benson, K. Bird, K.E., J. Permuy) - both in Florida; the Barbara Davis Center for Diabetes, University of Colorado, Aurora (R.P.W., G.F., R.S., L.H.M., E.C., V.N.S., S.P.); Stanford University School of Medicine, Palo Alto (B.B., R.L., L.E., M.S.H., M. Basina), Children's Hospital of Orange County, Orange (M.D., A. Bhangoo, N.F., H.K., F.S.), and the University of California, San Diego, La Jolla (J. Pettus, S.B.) - all in California; Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland (K.Z., B.H., L.O.); University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas (P.R., P.C.W., A. Choudhary, J. Penn), and University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio (J.L., R.J., M.R., E.E., C.K., R.F.-P.); the University of Washington, Seattle (I.B.H., S.T.); the Naomi Berrie Diabetes Center, Columbia University, New York (R.G., K.M.W., N.L.); the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (J.B.B., M.S.K., K. Bergamo, K.R.K., J.M.D., S. Machineni, L.A.Y., J.C.D.); the Henry Ford Health System, Detroit (D.K., A. Bhan, J.K.J.); Emory University, Atlanta (A.M., K.C., E.F.); Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis (J.B.M., M.S., J.M.S., S.A., A. Cedeno); Children's National Hospital, Washington, DC (F.C., S. Meighan, A.D.); and the Pritzker Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Health, Ann and Robert Lurie Children's Hospital, Chicago (J.W.-B.).
Rayas M; The authors' affiliations are as follows: the Diabetes Research Center, Massachusetts General Hospital (S.J.R., C.A.B., J.S.S., L.E.C., M.A.H., M.T., M.S.P., M.Y.S.), and Boston University (E.R.D.), Boston, and Beta Bionics, Concord (E.R.D., F.H.E.-K.) - all in Massachusetts; the Jaeb Center for Health Research, Tampa (R.W.B., K.J.R., Z.L., P.C.), and Nemours Children's Health Jacksonville, Jacksonville (N.M., M. Benson, K. Bird, K.E., J. Permuy) - both in Florida; the Barbara Davis Center for Diabetes, University of Colorado, Aurora (R.P.W., G.F., R.S., L.H.M., E.C., V.N.S., S.P.); Stanford University School of Medicine, Palo Alto (B.B., R.L., L.E., M.S.H., M. Basina), Children's Hospital of Orange County, Orange (M.D., A. Bhangoo, N.F., H.K., F.S.), and the University of California, San Diego, La Jolla (J. Pettus, S.B.) - all in California; Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland (K.Z., B.H., L.O.); University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas (P.R., P.C.W., A. Choudhary, J. Penn), and University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio (J.L., R.J., M.R., E.E., C.K., R.F.-P.); the University of Washington, Seattle (I.B.H., S.T.); the Naomi Berrie Diabetes Center, Columbia University, New York (R.G., K.M.W., N.L.); the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (J.B.B., M.S.K., K. Bergamo, K.R.K., J.M.D., S. Machineni, L.A.Y., J.C.D.); the Henry Ford Health System, Detroit (D.K., A. Bhan, J.K.J.); Emory University, Atlanta (A.M., K.C., E.F.); Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis (J.B.M., M.S., J.M.S., S.A., A. Cedeno); Children's National Hospital, Washington, DC (F.C., S. Meighan, A.D.); and the Pritzker Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Health, Ann and Robert Lurie Children's Hospital, Chicago (J.W.-B.).
Escaname E; The authors' affiliations are as follows: the Diabetes Research Center, Massachusetts General Hospital (S.J.R., C.A.B., J.S.S., L.E.C., M.A.H., M.T., M.S.P., M.Y.S.), and Boston University (E.R.D.), Boston, and Beta Bionics, Concord (E.R.D., F.H.E.-K.) - all in Massachusetts; the Jaeb Center for Health Research, Tampa (R.W.B., K.J.R., Z.L., P.C.), and Nemours Children's Health Jacksonville, Jacksonville (N.M., M. Benson, K. Bird, K.E., J. Permuy) - both in Florida; the Barbara Davis Center for Diabetes, University of Colorado, Aurora (R.P.W., G.F., R.S., L.H.M., E.C., V.N.S., S.P.); Stanford University School of Medicine, Palo Alto (B.B., R.L., L.E., M.S.H., M. Basina), Children's Hospital of Orange County, Orange (M.D., A. Bhangoo, N.F., H.K., F.S.), and the University of California, San Diego, La Jolla (J. Pettus, S.B.) - all in California; Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland (K.Z., B.H., L.O.); University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas (P.R., P.C.W., A. Choudhary, J. Penn), and University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio (J.L., R.J., M.R., E.E., C.K., R.F.-P.); the University of Washington, Seattle (I.B.H., S.T.); the Naomi Berrie Diabetes Center, Columbia University, New York (R.G., K.M.W., N.L.); the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (J.B.B., M.S.K., K. Bergamo, K.R.K., J.M.D., S. Machineni, L.A.Y., J.C.D.); the Henry Ford Health System, Detroit (D.K., A. Bhan, J.K.J.); Emory University, Atlanta (A.M., K.C., E.F.); Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis (J.B.M., M.S., J.M.S., S.A., A. Cedeno); Children's National Hospital, Washington, DC (F.C., S. Meighan, A.D.); and the Pritzker Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Health, Ann and Robert Lurie Children's Hospital, Chicago (J.W.-B.).
Kerr C; The authors' affiliations are as follows: the Diabetes Research Center, Massachusetts General Hospital (S.J.R., C.A.B., J.S.S., L.E.C., M.A.H., M.T., M.S.P., M.Y.S.), and Boston University (E.R.D.), Boston, and Beta Bionics, Concord (E.R.D., F.H.E.-K.) - all in Massachusetts; the Jaeb Center for Health Research, Tampa (R.W.B., K.J.R., Z.L., P.C.), and Nemours Children's Health Jacksonville, Jacksonville (N.M., M. Benson, K. Bird, K.E., J. Permuy) - both in Florida; the Barbara Davis Center for Diabetes, University of Colorado, Aurora (R.P.W., G.F., R.S., L.H.M., E.C., V.N.S., S.P.); Stanford University School of Medicine, Palo Alto (B.B., R.L., L.E., M.S.H., M. Basina), Children's Hospital of Orange County, Orange (M.D., A. Bhangoo, N.F., H.K., F.S.), and the University of California, San Diego, La Jolla (J. Pettus, S.B.) - all in California; Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland (K.Z., B.H., L.O.); University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas (P.R., P.C.W., A. Choudhary, J. Penn), and University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio (J.L., R.J., M.R., E.E., C.K., R.F.-P.); the University of Washington, Seattle (I.B.H., S.T.); the Naomi Berrie Diabetes Center, Columbia University, New York (R.G., K.M.W., N.L.); the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (J.B.B., M.S.K., K. Bergamo, K.R.K., J.M.D., S. Machineni, L.A.Y., J.C.D.); the Henry Ford Health System, Detroit (D.K., A. Bhan, J.K.J.); Emory University, Atlanta (A.M., K.C., E.F.); Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis (J.B.M., M.S., J.M.S., S.A., A. Cedeno); Children's National Hospital, Washington, DC (F.C., S. Meighan, A.D.); and the Pritzker Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Health, Ann and Robert Lurie Children's Hospital, Chicago (J.W.-B.).
Favela-Prezas R; The authors' affiliations are as follows: the Diabetes Research Center, Massachusetts General Hospital (S.J.R., C.A.B., J.S.S., L.E.C., M.A.H., M.T., M.S.P., M.Y.S.), and Boston University (E.R.D.), Boston, and Beta Bionics, Concord (E.R.D., F.H.E.-K.) - all in Massachusetts; the Jaeb Center for Health Research, Tampa (R.W.B., K.J.R., Z.L., P.C.), and Nemours Children's Health Jacksonville, Jacksonville (N.M., M. Benson, K. Bird, K.E., J. Permuy) - both in Florida; the Barbara Davis Center for Diabetes, University of Colorado, Aurora (R.P.W., G.F., R.S., L.H.M., E.C., V.N.S., S.P.); Stanford University School of Medicine, Palo Alto (B.B., R.L., L.E., M.S.H., M. Basina), Children's Hospital of Orange County, Orange (M.D., A. Bhangoo, N.F., H.K., F.S.), and the University of California, San Diego, La Jolla (J. Pettus, S.B.) - all in California; Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland (K.Z., B.H., L.O.); University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas (P.R., P.C.W., A. Choudhary, J. Penn), and University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio (J.L., R.J., M.R., E.E., C.K., R.F.-P.); the University of Washington, Seattle (I.B.H., S.T.); the Naomi Berrie Diabetes Center, Columbia University, New York (R.G., K.M.W., N.L.); the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (J.B.B., M.S.K., K. Bergamo, K.R.K., J.M.D., S. Machineni, L.A.Y., J.C.D.); the Henry Ford Health System, Detroit (D.K., A. Bhan, J.K.J.); Emory University, Atlanta (A.M., K.C., E.F.); Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis (J.B.M., M.S., J.M.S., S.A., A. Cedeno); Children's National Hospital, Washington, DC (F.C., S. Meighan, A.D.); and the Pritzker Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Health, Ann and Robert Lurie Children's Hospital, Chicago (J.W.-B.).
Boeder S; The authors' affiliations are as follows: the Diabetes Research Center, Massachusetts General Hospital (S.J.R., C.A.B., J.S.S., L.E.C., M.A.H., M.T., M.S.P., M.Y.S.), and Boston University (E.R.D.), Boston, and Beta Bionics, Concord (E.R.D., F.H.E.-K.) - all in Massachusetts; the Jaeb Center for Health Research, Tampa (R.W.B., K.J.R., Z.L., P.C.), and Nemours Children's Health Jacksonville, Jacksonville (N.M., M. Benson, K. Bird, K.E., J. Permuy) - both in Florida; the Barbara Davis Center for Diabetes, University of Colorado, Aurora (R.P.W., G.F., R.S., L.H.M., E.C., V.N.S., S.P.); Stanford University School of Medicine, Palo Alto (B.B., R.L., L.E., M.S.H., M. Basina), Children's Hospital of Orange County, Orange (M.D., A. Bhangoo, N.F., H.K., F.S.), and the University of California, San Diego, La Jolla (J. Pettus, S.B.) - all in California; Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland (K.Z., B.H., L.O.); University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas (P.R., P.C.W., A. Choudhary, J. Penn), and University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio (J.L., R.J., M.R., E.E., C.K., R.F.-P.); the University of Washington, Seattle (I.B.H., S.T.); the Naomi Berrie Diabetes Center, Columbia University, New York (R.G., K.M.W., N.L.); the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (J.B.B., M.S.K., K. Bergamo, K.R.K., J.M.D., S. Machineni, L.A.Y., J.C.D.); the Henry Ford Health System, Detroit (D.K., A. Bhan, J.K.J.); Emory University, Atlanta (A.M., K.C., E.F.); Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis (J.B.M., M.S., J.M.S., S.A., A. Cedeno); Children's National Hospital, Washington, DC (F.C., S. Meighan, A.D.); and the Pritzker Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Health, Ann and Robert Lurie Children's Hospital, Chicago (J.W.-B.).
Trikudanathan S; The authors' affiliations are as follows: the Diabetes Research Center, Massachusetts General Hospital (S.J.R., C.A.B., J.S.S., L.E.C., M.A.H., M.T., M.S.P., M.Y.S.), and Boston University (E.R.D.), Boston, and Beta Bionics, Concord (E.R.D., F.H.E.-K.) - all in Massachusetts; the Jaeb Center for Health Research, Tampa (R.W.B., K.J.R., Z.L., P.C.), and Nemours Children's Health Jacksonville, Jacksonville (N.M., M. Benson, K. Bird, K.E., J. Permuy) - both in Florida; the Barbara Davis Center for Diabetes, University of Colorado, Aurora (R.P.W., G.F., R.S., L.H.M., E.C., V.N.S., S.P.); Stanford University School of Medicine, Palo Alto (B.B., R.L., L.E., M.S.H., M. Basina), Children's Hospital of Orange County, Orange (M.D., A. Bhangoo, N.F., H.K., F.S.), and the University of California, San Diego, La Jolla (J. Pettus, S.B.) - all in California; Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland (K.Z., B.H., L.O.); University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas (P.R., P.C.W., A. Choudhary, J. Penn), and University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio (J.L., R.J., M.R., E.E., C.K., R.F.-P.); the University of Washington, Seattle (I.B.H., S.T.); the Naomi Berrie Diabetes Center, Columbia University, New York (R.G., K.M.W., N.L.); the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (J.B.B., M.S.K., K. Bergamo, K.R.K., J.M.D., S. Machineni, L.A.Y., J.C.D.); the Henry Ford Health System, Detroit (D.K., A. Bhan, J.K.J.); Emory University, Atlanta (A.M., K.C., E.F.); Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis (J.B.M., M.S., J.M.S., S.A., A. Cedeno); Children's National Hospital, Washington, DC (F.C., S. Meighan, A.D.); and the Pritzker Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Health, Ann and Robert Lurie Children's Hospital, Chicago (J.W.-B.).
Williams KM; The authors' affiliations are as follows: the Diabetes Research Center, Massachusetts General Hospital (S.J.R., C.A.B., J.S.S., L.E.C., M.A.H., M.T., M.S.P., M.Y.S.), and Boston University (E.R.D.), Boston, and Beta Bionics, Concord (E.R.D., F.H.E.-K.) - all in Massachusetts; the Jaeb Center for Health Research, Tampa (R.W.B., K.J.R., Z.L., P.C.), and Nemours Children's Health Jacksonville, Jacksonville (N.M., M. Benson, K. Bird, K.E., J. Permuy) - both in Florida; the Barbara Davis Center for Diabetes, University of Colorado, Aurora (R.P.W., G.F., R.S., L.H.M., E.C., V.N.S., S.P.); Stanford University School of Medicine, Palo Alto (B.B., R.L., L.E., M.S.H., M. Basina), Children's Hospital of Orange County, Orange (M.D., A. Bhangoo, N.F., H.K., F.S.), and the University of California, San Diego, La Jolla (J. Pettus, S.B.) - all in California; Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland (K.Z., B.H., L.O.); University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas (P.R., P.C.W., A. Choudhary, J. Penn), and University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio (J.L., R.J., M.R., E.E., C.K., R.F.-P.); the University of Washington, Seattle (I.B.H., S.T.); the Naomi Berrie Diabetes Center, Columbia University, New York (R.G., K.M.W., N.L.); the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (J.B.B., M.S.K., K. Bergamo, K.R.K., J.M.D., S. Machineni, L.A.Y., J.C.D.); the Henry Ford Health System, Detroit (D.K., A. Bhan, J.K.J.); Emory University, Atlanta (A.M., K.C., E.F.); Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis (J.B.M., M.S., J.M.S., S.A., A. Cedeno); Children's National Hospital, Washington, DC (F.C., S. Meighan, A.D.); and the Pritzker Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Health, Ann and Robert Lurie Children's Hospital, Chicago (J.W.-B.).
Leibel N; The authors' affiliations are as follows: the Diabetes Research Center, Massachusetts General Hospital (S.J.R., C.A.B., J.S.S., L.E.C., M.A.H., M.T., M.S.P., M.Y.S.), and Boston University (E.R.D.), Boston, and Beta Bionics, Concord (E.R.D., F.H.E.-K.) - all in Massachusetts; the Jaeb Center for Health Research, Tampa (R.W.B., K.J.R., Z.L., P.C.), and Nemours Children's Health Jacksonville, Jacksonville (N.M., M. Benson, K. Bird, K.E., J. Permuy) - both in Florida; the Barbara Davis Center for Diabetes, University of Colorado, Aurora (R.P.W., G.F., R.S., L.H.M., E.C., V.N.S., S.P.); Stanford University School of Medicine, Palo Alto (B.B., R.L., L.E., M.S.H., M. Basina), Children's Hospital of Orange County, Orange (M.D., A. Bhangoo, N.F., H.K., F.S.), and the University of California, San Diego, La Jolla (J. Pettus, S.B.) - all in California; Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland (K.Z., B.H., L.O.); University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas (P.R., P.C.W., A. Choudhary, J. Penn), and University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio (J.L., R.J., M.R., E.E., C.K., R.F.-P.); the University of Washington, Seattle (I.B.H., S.T.); the Naomi Berrie Diabetes Center, Columbia University, New York (R.G., K.M.W., N.L.); the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (J.B.B., M.S.K., K. Bergamo, K.R.K., J.M.D., S. Machineni, L.A.Y., J.C.D.); the Henry Ford Health System, Detroit (D.K., A. Bhan, J.K.J.); Emory University, Atlanta (A.M., K.C., E.F.); Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis (J.B.M., M.S., J.M.S., S.A., A. Cedeno); Children's National Hospital, Washington, DC (F.C., S. Meighan, A.D.); and the Pritzker Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Health, Ann and Robert Lurie Children's Hospital, Chicago (J.W.-B.).
Kirkman MS; The authors' affiliations are as follows: the Diabetes Research Center, Massachusetts General Hospital (S.J.R., C.A.B., J.S.S., L.E.C., M.A.H., M.T., M.S.P., M.Y.S.), and Boston University (E.R.D.), Boston, and Beta Bionics, Concord (E.R.D., F.H.E.-K.) - all in Massachusetts; the Jaeb Center for Health Research, Tampa (R.W.B., K.J.R., Z.L., P.C.), and Nemours Children's Health Jacksonville, Jacksonville (N.M., M. Benson, K. Bird, K.E., J. Permuy) - both in Florida; the Barbara Davis Center for Diabetes, University of Colorado, Aurora (R.P.W., G.F., R.S., L.H.M., E.C., V.N.S., S.P.); Stanford University School of Medicine, Palo Alto (B.B., R.L., L.E., M.S.H., M. Basina), Children's Hospital of Orange County, Orange (M.D., A. Bhangoo, N.F., H.K., F.S.), and the University of California, San Diego, La Jolla (J. Pettus, S.B.) - all in California; Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland (K.Z., B.H., L.O.); University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas (P.R., P.C.W., A. Choudhary, J. Penn), and University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio (J.L., R.J., M.R., E.E., C.K., R.F.-P.); the University of Washington, Seattle (I.B.H., S.T.); the Naomi Berrie Diabetes Center, Columbia University, New York (R.G., K.M.W., N.L.); the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (J.B.B., M.S.K., K. Bergamo, K.R.K., J.M.D., S. Machineni, L.A.Y., J.C.D.); the Henry Ford Health System, Detroit (D.K., A. Bhan, J.K.J.); Emory University, Atlanta (A.M., K.C., E.F.); Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis (J.B.M., M.S., J.M.S., S.A., A. Cedeno); Children's National Hospital, Washington, DC (F.C., S. Meighan, A.D.); and the Pritzker Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Health, Ann and Robert Lurie Children's Hospital, Chicago (J.W.-B.).
Bergamo K; The authors' affiliations are as follows: the Diabetes Research Center, Massachusetts General Hospital (S.J.R., C.A.B., J.S.S., L.E.C., M.A.H., M.T., M.S.P., M.Y.S.), and Boston University (E.R.D.), Boston, and Beta Bionics, Concord (E.R.D., F.H.E.-K.) - all in Massachusetts; the Jaeb Center for Health Research, Tampa (R.W.B., K.J.R., Z.L., P.C.), and Nemours Children's Health Jacksonville, Jacksonville (N.M., M. Benson, K. Bird, K.E., J. Permuy) - both in Florida; the Barbara Davis Center for Diabetes, University of Colorado, Aurora (R.P.W., G.F., R.S., L.H.M., E.C., V.N.S., S.P.); Stanford University School of Medicine, Palo Alto (B.B., R.L., L.E., M.S.H., M. Basina), Children's Hospital of Orange County, Orange (M.D., A. Bhangoo, N.F., H.K., F.S.), and the University of California, San Diego, La Jolla (J. Pettus, S.B.) - all in California; Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland (K.Z., B.H., L.O.); University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas (P.R., P.C.W., A. Choudhary, J. Penn), and University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio (J.L., R.J., M.R., E.E., C.K., R.F.-P.); the University of Washington, Seattle (I.B.H., S.T.); the Naomi Berrie Diabetes Center, Columbia University, New York (R.G., K.M.W., N.L.); the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (J.B.B., M.S.K., K. Bergamo, K.R.K., J.M.D., S. Machineni, L.A.Y., J.C.D.); the Henry Ford Health System, Detroit (D.K., A. Bhan, J.K.J.); Emory University, Atlanta (A.M., K.C., E.F.); Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis (J.B.M., M.S., J.M.S., S.A., A. Cedeno); Children's National Hospital, Washington, DC (F.C., S. Meighan, A.D.); and the Pritzker Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Health, Ann and Robert Lurie Children's Hospital, Chicago (J.W.-B.).
Klein KR; The authors' affiliations are as follows: the Diabetes Research Center, Massachusetts General Hospital (S.J.R., C.A.B., J.S.S., L.E.C., M.A.H., M.T., M.S.P., M.Y.S.), and Boston University (E.R.D.), Boston, and Beta Bionics, Concord (E.R.D., F.H.E.-K.) - all in Massachusetts; the Jaeb Center for Health Research, Tampa (R.W.B., K.J.R., Z.L., P.C.), and Nemours Children's Health Jacksonville, Jacksonville (N.M., M. Benson, K. Bird, K.E., J. Permuy) - both in Florida; the Barbara Davis Center for Diabetes, University of Colorado, Aurora (R.P.W., G.F., R.S., L.H.M., E.C., V.N.S., S.P.); Stanford University School of Medicine, Palo Alto (B.B., R.L., L.E., M.S.H., M. Basina), Children's Hospital of Orange County, Orange (M.D., A. Bhangoo, N.F., H.K., F.S.), and the University of California, San Diego, La Jolla (J. Pettus, S.B.) - all in California; Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland (K.Z., B.H., L.O.); University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas (P.R., P.C.W., A. Choudhary, J. Penn), and University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio (J.L., R.J., M.R., E.E., C.K., R.F.-P.); the University of Washington, Seattle (I.B.H., S.T.); the Naomi Berrie Diabetes Center, Columbia University, New York (R.G., K.M.W., N.L.); the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (J.B.B., M.S.K., K. Bergamo, K.R.K., J.M.D., S. Machineni, L.A.Y., J.C.D.); the Henry Ford Health System, Detroit (D.K., A. Bhan, J.K.J.); Emory University, Atlanta (A.M., K.C., E.F.); Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis (J.B.M., M.S., J.M.S., S.A., A. Cedeno); Children's National Hospital, Washington, DC (F.C., S. Meighan, A.D.); and the Pritzker Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Health, Ann and Robert Lurie Children's Hospital, Chicago (J.W.-B.).
Dostou JM; The authors' affiliations are as follows: the Diabetes Research Center, Massachusetts General Hospital (S.J.R., C.A.B., J.S.S., L.E.C., M.A.H., M.T., M.S.P., M.Y.S.), and Boston University (E.R.D.), Boston, and Beta Bionics, Concord (E.R.D., F.H.E.-K.) - all in Massachusetts; the Jaeb Center for Health Research, Tampa (R.W.B., K.J.R., Z.L., P.C.), and Nemours Children's Health Jacksonville, Jacksonville (N.M., M. Benson, K. Bird, K.E., J. Permuy) - both in Florida; the Barbara Davis Center for Diabetes, University of Colorado, Aurora (R.P.W., G.F., R.S., L.H.M., E.C., V.N.S., S.P.); Stanford University School of Medicine, Palo Alto (B.B., R.L., L.E., M.S.H., M. Basina), Children's Hospital of Orange County, Orange (M.D., A. Bhangoo, N.F., H.K., F.S.), and the University of California, San Diego, La Jolla (J. Pettus, S.B.) - all in California; Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland (K.Z., B.H., L.O.); University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas (P.R., P.C.W., A. Choudhary, J. Penn), and University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio (J.L., R.J., M.R., E.E., C.K., R.F.-P.); the University of Washington, Seattle (I.B.H., S.T.); the Naomi Berrie Diabetes Center, Columbia University, New York (R.G., K.M.W., N.L.); the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (J.B.B., M.S.K., K. Bergamo, K.R.K., J.M.D., S. Machineni, L.A.Y., J.C.D.); the Henry Ford Health System, Detroit (D.K., A. Bhan, J.K.J.); Emory University, Atlanta (A.M., K.C., E.F.); Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis (J.B.M., M.S., J.M.S., S.A., A. Cedeno); Children's National Hospital, Washington, DC (F.C., S. Meighan, A.D.); and the Pritzker Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Health, Ann and Robert Lurie Children's Hospital, Chicago (J.W.-B.).
Machineni S; The authors' affiliations are as follows: the Diabetes Research Center, Massachusetts General Hospital (S.J.R., C.A.B., J.S.S., L.E.C., M.A.H., M.T., M.S.P., M.Y.S.), and Boston University (E.R.D.), Boston, and Beta Bionics, Concord (E.R.D., F.H.E.-K.) - all in Massachusetts; the Jaeb Center for Health Research, Tampa (R.W.B., K.J.R., Z.L., P.C.), and Nemours Children's Health Jacksonville, Jacksonville (N.M., M. Benson, K. Bird, K.E., J. Permuy) - both in Florida; the Barbara Davis Center for Diabetes, University of Colorado, Aurora (R.P.W., G.F., R.S., L.H.M., E.C., V.N.S., S.P.); Stanford University School of Medicine, Palo Alto (B.B., R.L., L.E., M.S.H., M. Basina), Children's Hospital of Orange County, Orange (M.D., A. Bhangoo, N.F., H.K., F.S.), and the University of California, San Diego, La Jolla (J. Pettus, S.B.) - all in California; Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland (K.Z., B.H., L.O.); University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas (P.R., P.C.W., A. Choudhary, J. Penn), and University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio (J.L., R.J., M.R., E.E., C.K., R.F.-P.); the University of Washington, Seattle (I.B.H., S.T.); the Naomi Berrie Diabetes Center, Columbia University, New York (R.G., K.M.W., N.L.); the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (J.B.B., M.S.K., K. Bergamo, K.R.K., J.M.D., S. Machineni, L.A.Y., J.C.D.); the Henry Ford Health System, Detroit (D.K., A. Bhan, J.K.J.); Emory University, Atlanta (A.M., K.C., E.F.); Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis (J.B.M., M.S., J.M.S., S.A., A. Cedeno); Children's National Hospital, Washington, DC (F.C., S. Meighan, A.D.); and the Pritzker Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Health, Ann and Robert Lurie Children's Hospital, Chicago (J.W.-B.).
Young LA; The authors' affiliations are as follows: the Diabetes Research Center, Massachusetts General Hospital (S.J.R., C.A.B., J.S.S., L.E.C., M.A.H., M.T., M.S.P., M.Y.S.), and Boston University (E.R.D.), Boston, and Beta Bionics, Concord (E.R.D., F.H.E.-K.) - all in Massachusetts; the Jaeb Center for Health Research, Tampa (R.W.B., K.J.R., Z.L., P.C.), and Nemours Children's Health Jacksonville, Jacksonville (N.M., M. Benson, K. Bird, K.E., J. Permuy) - both in Florida; the Barbara Davis Center for Diabetes, University of Colorado, Aurora (R.P.W., G.F., R.S., L.H.M., E.C., V.N.S., S.P.); Stanford University School of Medicine, Palo Alto (B.B., R.L., L.E., M.S.H., M. Basina), Children's Hospital of Orange County, Orange (M.D., A. Bhangoo, N.F., H.K., F.S.), and the University of California, San Diego, La Jolla (J. Pettus, S.B.) - all in California; Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland (K.Z., B.H., L.O.); University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas (P.R., P.C.W., A. Choudhary, J. Penn), and University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio (J.L., R.J., M.R., E.E., C.K., R.F.-P.); the University of Washington, Seattle (I.B.H., S.T.); the Naomi Berrie Diabetes Center, Columbia University, New York (R.G., K.M.W., N.L.); the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (J.B.B., M.S.K., K. Bergamo, K.R.K., J.M.D., S. Machineni, L.A.Y., J.C.D.); the Henry Ford Health System, Detroit (D.K., A. Bhan, J.K.J.); Emory University, Atlanta (A.M., K.C., E.F.); Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis (J.B.M., M.S., J.M.S., S.A., A. Cedeno); Children's National Hospital, Washington, DC (F.C., S. Meighan, A.D.); and the Pritzker Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Health, Ann and Robert Lurie Children's Hospital, Chicago (J.W.-B.).
Diner JC; The authors' affiliations are as follows: the Diabetes Research Center, Massachusetts General Hospital (S.J.R., C.A.B., J.S.S., L.E.C., M.A.H., M.T., M.S.P., M.Y.S.), and Boston University (E.R.D.), Boston, and Beta Bionics, Concord (E.R.D., F.H.E.-K.) - all in Massachusetts; the Jaeb Center for Health Research, Tampa (R.W.B., K.J.R., Z.L., P.C.), and Nemours Children's Health Jacksonville, Jacksonville (N.M., M. Benson, K. Bird, K.E., J. Permuy) - both in Florida; the Barbara Davis Center for Diabetes, University of Colorado, Aurora (R.P.W., G.F., R.S., L.H.M., E.C., V.N.S., S.P.); Stanford University School of Medicine, Palo Alto (B.B., R.L., L.E., M.S.H., M. Basina), Children's Hospital of Orange County, Orange (M.D., A. Bhangoo, N.F., H.K., F.S.), and the University of California, San Diego, La Jolla (J. Pettus, S.B.) - all in California; Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland (K.Z., B.H., L.O.); University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas (P.R., P.C.W., A. Choudhary, J. Penn), and University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio (J.L., R.J., M.R., E.E., C.K., R.F.-P.); the University of Washington, Seattle (I.B.H., S.T.); the Naomi Berrie Diabetes Center, Columbia University, New York (R.G., K.M.W., N.L.); the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (J.B.B., M.S.K., K. Bergamo, K.R.K., J.M.D., S. Machineni, L.A.Y., J.C.D.); the Henry Ford Health System, Detroit (D.K., A. Bhan, J.K.J.); Emory University, Atlanta (A.M., K.C., E.F.); Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis (J.B.M., M.S., J.M.S., S.A., A. Cedeno); Children's National Hospital, Washington, DC (F.C., S. Meighan, A.D.); and the Pritzker Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Health, Ann and Robert Lurie Children's Hospital, Chicago (J.W.-B.).
Bhan A; The authors' affiliations are as follows: the Diabetes Research Center, Massachusetts General Hospital (S.J.R., C.A.B., J.S.S., L.E.C., M.A.H., M.T., M.S.P., M.Y.S.), and Boston University (E.R.D.), Boston, and Beta Bionics, Concord (E.R.D., F.H.E.-K.) - all in Massachusetts; the Jaeb Center for Health Research, Tampa (R.W.B., K.J.R., Z.L., P.C.), and Nemours Children's Health Jacksonville, Jacksonville (N.M., M. Benson, K. Bird, K.E., J. Permuy) - both in Florida; the Barbara Davis Center for Diabetes, University of Colorado, Aurora (R.P.W., G.F., R.S., L.H.M., E.C., V.N.S., S.P.); Stanford University School of Medicine, Palo Alto (B.B., R.L., L.E., M.S.H., M. Basina), Children's Hospital of Orange County, Orange (M.D., A. Bhangoo, N.F., H.K., F.S.), and the University of California, San Diego, La Jolla (J. Pettus, S.B.) - all in California; Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland (K.Z., B.H., L.O.); University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas (P.R., P.C.W., A. Choudhary, J. Penn), and University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio (J.L., R.J., M.R., E.E., C.K., R.F.-P.); the University of Washington, Seattle (I.B.H., S.T.); the Naomi Berrie Diabetes Center, Columbia University, New York (R.G., K.M.W., N.L.); the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (J.B.B., M.S.K., K. Bergamo, K.R.K., J.M.D., S. Machineni, L.A.Y., J.C.D.); the Henry Ford Health System, Detroit (D.K., A. Bhan, J.K.J.); Emory University, Atlanta (A.M., K.C., E.F.); Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis (J.B.M., M.S., J.M.S., S.A., A. Cedeno); Children's National Hospital, Washington, DC (F.C., S. Meighan, A.D.); and the Pritzker Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Health, Ann and Robert Lurie Children's Hospital, Chicago (J.W.-B.).
Jones JK; The authors' affiliations are as follows: the Diabetes Research Center, Massachusetts General Hospital (S.J.R., C.A.B., J.S.S., L.E.C., M.A.H., M.T., M.S.P., M.Y.S.), and Boston University (E.R.D.), Boston, and Beta Bionics, Concord (E.R.D., F.H.E.-K.) - all in Massachusetts; the Jaeb Center for Health Research, Tampa (R.W.B., K.J.R., Z.L., P.C.), and Nemours Children's Health Jacksonville, Jacksonville (N.M., M. Benson, K. Bird, K.E., J. Permuy) - both in Florida; the Barbara Davis Center for Diabetes, University of Colorado, Aurora (R.P.W., G.F., R.S., L.H.M., E.C., V.N.S., S.P.); Stanford University School of Medicine, Palo Alto (B.B., R.L., L.E., M.S.H., M. Basina), Children's Hospital of Orange County, Orange (M.D., A. Bhangoo, N.F., H.K., F.S.), and the University of California, San Diego, La Jolla (J. Pettus, S.B.) - all in California; Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland (K.Z., B.H., L.O.); University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas (P.R., P.C.W., A. Choudhary, J. Penn), and University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio (J.L., R.J., M.R., E.E., C.K., R.F.-P.); the University of Washington, Seattle (I.B.H., S.T.); the Naomi Berrie Diabetes Center, Columbia University, New York (R.G., K.M.W., N.L.); the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (J.B.B., M.S.K., K. Bergamo, K.R.K., J.M.D., S. Machineni, L.A.Y., J.C.D.); the Henry Ford Health System, Detroit (D.K., A. Bhan, J.K.J.); Emory University, Atlanta (A.M., K.C., E.F.); Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis (J.B.M., M.S., J.M.S., S.A., A. Cedeno); Children's National Hospital, Washington, DC (F.C., S. Meighan, A.D.); and the Pritzker Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Health, Ann and Robert Lurie Children's Hospital, Chicago (J.W.-B.).
Benson M; The authors' affiliations are as follows: the Diabetes Research Center, Massachusetts General Hospital (S.J.R., C.A.B., J.S.S., L.E.C., M.A.H., M.T., M.S.P., M.Y.S.), and Boston University (E.R.D.), Boston, and Beta Bionics, Concord (E.R.D., F.H.E.-K.) - all in Massachusetts; the Jaeb Center for Health Research, Tampa (R.W.B., K.J.R., Z.L., P.C.), and Nemours Children's Health Jacksonville, Jacksonville (N.M., M. Benson, K. Bird, K.E., J. Permuy) - both in Florida; the Barbara Davis Center for Diabetes, University of Colorado, Aurora (R.P.W., G.F., R.S., L.H.M., E.C., V.N.S., S.P.); Stanford University School of Medicine, Palo Alto (B.B., R.L., L.E., M.S.H., M. Basina), Children's Hospital of Orange County, Orange (M.D., A. Bhangoo, N.F., H.K., F.S.), and the University of California, San Diego, La Jolla (J. Pettus, S.B.) - all in California; Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland (K.Z., B.H., L.O.); University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas (P.R., P.C.W., A. Choudhary, J. Penn), and University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio (J.L., R.J., M.R., E.E., C.K., R.F.-P.); the University of Washington, Seattle (I.B.H., S.T.); the Naomi Berrie Diabetes Center, Columbia University, New York (R.G., K.M.W., N.L.); the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (J.B.B., M.S.K., K. Bergamo, K.R.K., J.M.D., S. Machineni, L.A.Y., J.C.D.); the Henry Ford Health System, Detroit (D.K., A. Bhan, J.K.J.); Emory University, Atlanta (A.M., K.C., E.F.); Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis (J.B.M., M.S., J.M.S., S.A., A. Cedeno); Children's National Hospital, Washington, DC (F.C., S. Meighan, A.D.); and the Pritzker Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Health, Ann and Robert Lurie Children's Hospital, Chicago (J.W.-B.).
Bird K; The authors' affiliations are as follows: the Diabetes Research Center, Massachusetts General Hospital (S.J.R., C.A.B., J.S.S., L.E.C., M.A.H., M.T., M.S.P., M.Y.S.), and Boston University (E.R.D.), Boston, and Beta Bionics, Concord (E.R.D., F.H.E.-K.) - all in Massachusetts; the Jaeb Center for Health Research, Tampa (R.W.B., K.J.R., Z.L., P.C.), and Nemours Children's Health Jacksonville, Jacksonville (N.M., M. Benson, K. Bird, K.E., J. Permuy) - both in Florida; the Barbara Davis Center for Diabetes, University of Colorado, Aurora (R.P.W., G.F., R.S., L.H.M., E.C., V.N.S., S.P.); Stanford University School of Medicine, Palo Alto (B.B., R.L., L.E., M.S.H., M. Basina), Children's Hospital of Orange County, Orange (M.D., A. Bhangoo, N.F., H.K., F.S.), and the University of California, San Diego, La Jolla (J. Pettus, S.B.) - all in California; Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland (K.Z., B.H., L.O.); University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas (P.R., P.C.W., A. Choudhary, J. Penn), and University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio (J.L., R.J., M.R., E.E., C.K., R.F.-P.); the University of Washington, Seattle (I.B.H., S.T.); the Naomi Berrie Diabetes Center, Columbia University, New York (R.G., K.M.W., N.L.); the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (J.B.B., M.S.K., K. Bergamo, K.R.K., J.M.D., S. Machineni, L.A.Y., J.C.D.); the Henry Ford Health System, Detroit (D.K., A. Bhan, J.K.J.); Emory University, Atlanta (A.M., K.C., E.F.); Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis (J.B.M., M.S., J.M.S., S.A., A. Cedeno); Children's National Hospital, Washington, DC (F.C., S. Meighan, A.D.); and the Pritzker Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Health, Ann and Robert Lurie Children's Hospital, Chicago (J.W.-B.).
Englert K; The authors' affiliations are as follows: the Diabetes Research Center, Massachusetts General Hospital (S.J.R., C.A.B., J.S.S., L.E.C., M.A.H., M.T., M.S.P., M.Y.S.), and Boston University (E.R.D.), Boston, and Beta Bionics, Concord (E.R.D., F.H.E.-K.) - all in Massachusetts; the Jaeb Center for Health Research, Tampa (R.W.B., K.J.R., Z.L., P.C.), and Nemours Children's Health Jacksonville, Jacksonville (N.M., M. Benson, K. Bird, K.E., J. Permuy) - both in Florida; the Barbara Davis Center for Diabetes, University of Colorado, Aurora (R.P.W., G.F., R.S., L.H.M., E.C., V.N.S., S.P.); Stanford University School of Medicine, Palo Alto (B.B., R.L., L.E., M.S.H., M. Basina), Children's Hospital of Orange County, Orange (M.D., A. Bhangoo, N.F., H.K., F.S.), and the University of California, San Diego, La Jolla (J. Pettus, S.B.) - all in California; Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland (K.Z., B.H., L.O.); University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas (P.R., P.C.W., A. Choudhary, J. Penn), and University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio (J.L., R.J., M.R., E.E., C.K., R.F.-P.); the University of Washington, Seattle (I.B.H., S.T.); the Naomi Berrie Diabetes Center, Columbia University, New York (R.G., K.M.W., N.L.); the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (J.B.B., M.S.K., K. Bergamo, K.R.K., J.M.D., S. Machineni, L.A.Y., J.C.D.); the Henry Ford Health System, Detroit (D.K., A. Bhan, J.K.J.); Emory University, Atlanta (A.M., K.C., E.F.); Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis (J.B.M., M.S., J.M.S., S.A., A. Cedeno); Children's National Hospital, Washington, DC (F.C., S. Meighan, A.D.); and the Pritzker Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Health, Ann and Robert Lurie Children's Hospital, Chicago (J.W.-B.).
Permuy J; The authors' affiliations are as follows: the Diabetes Research Center, Massachusetts General Hospital (S.J.R., C.A.B., J.S.S., L.E.C., M.A.H., M.T., M.S.P., M.Y.S.), and Boston University (E.R.D.), Boston, and Beta Bionics, Concord (E.R.D., F.H.E.-K.) - all in Massachusetts; the Jaeb Center for Health Research, Tampa (R.W.B., K.J.R., Z.L., P.C.), and Nemours Children's Health Jacksonville, Jacksonville (N.M., M. Benson, K. Bird, K.E., J. Permuy) - both in Florida; the Barbara Davis Center for Diabetes, University of Colorado, Aurora (R.P.W., G.F., R.S., L.H.M., E.C., V.N.S., S.P.); Stanford University School of Medicine, Palo Alto (B.B., R.L., L.E., M.S.H., M. Basina), Children's Hospital of Orange County, Orange (M.D., A. Bhangoo, N.F., H.K., F.S.), and the University of California, San Diego, La Jolla (J. Pettus, S.B.) - all in California; Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland (K.Z., B.H., L.O.); University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas (P.R., P.C.W., A. Choudhary, J. Penn), and University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio (J.L., R.J., M.R., E.E., C.K., R.F.-P.); the University of Washington, Seattle (I.B.H., S.T.); the Naomi Berrie Diabetes Center, Columbia University, New York (R.G., K.M.W., N.L.); the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (J.B.B., M.S.K., K. Bergamo, K.R.K., J.M.D., S. Machineni, L.A.Y., J.C.D.); the Henry Ford Health System, Detroit (D.K., A. Bhan, J.K.J.); Emory University, Atlanta (A.M., K.C., E.F.); Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis (J.B.M., M.S., J.M.S., S.A., A. Cedeno); Children's National Hospital, Washington, DC (F.C., S. Meighan, A.D.); and the Pritzker Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Health, Ann and Robert Lurie Children's Hospital, Chicago (J.W.-B.).
Cossen K; The authors' affiliations are as follows: the Diabetes Research Center, Massachusetts General Hospital (S.J.R., C.A.B., J.S.S., L.E.C., M.A.H., M.T., M.S.P., M.Y.S.), and Boston University (E.R.D.), Boston, and Beta Bionics, Concord (E.R.D., F.H.E.-K.) - all in Massachusetts; the Jaeb Center for Health Research, Tampa (R.W.B., K.J.R., Z.L., P.C.), and Nemours Children's Health Jacksonville, Jacksonville (N.M., M. Benson, K. Bird, K.E., J. Permuy) - both in Florida; the Barbara Davis Center for Diabetes, University of Colorado, Aurora (R.P.W., G.F., R.S., L.H.M., E.C., V.N.S., S.P.); Stanford University School of Medicine, Palo Alto (B.B., R.L., L.E., M.S.H., M. Basina), Children's Hospital of Orange County, Orange (M.D., A. Bhangoo, N.F., H.K., F.S.), and the University of California, San Diego, La Jolla (J. Pettus, S.B.) - all in California; Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland (K.Z., B.H., L.O.); University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas (P.R., P.C.W., A. Choudhary, J. Penn), and University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio (J.L., R.J., M.R., E.E., C.K., R.F.-P.); the University of Washington, Seattle (I.B.H., S.T.); the Naomi Berrie Diabetes Center, Columbia University, New York (R.G., K.M.W., N.L.); the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (J.B.B., M.S.K., K. Bergamo, K.R.K., J.M.D., S. Machineni, L.A.Y., J.C.D.); the Henry Ford Health System, Detroit (D.K., A. Bhan, J.K.J.); Emory University, Atlanta (A.M., K.C., E.F.); Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis (J.B.M., M.S., J.M.S., S.A., A. Cedeno); Children's National Hospital, Washington, DC (F.C., S. Meighan, A.D.); and the Pritzker Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Health, Ann and Robert Lurie Children's Hospital, Chicago (J.W.-B.).
Felner E; The authors' affiliations are as follows: the Diabetes Research Center, Massachusetts General Hospital (S.J.R., C.A.B., J.S.S., L.E.C., M.A.H., M.T., M.S.P., M.Y.S.), and Boston University (E.R.D.), Boston, and Beta Bionics, Concord (E.R.D., F.H.E.-K.) - all in Massachusetts; the Jaeb Center for Health Research, Tampa (R.W.B., K.J.R., Z.L., P.C.), and Nemours Children's Health Jacksonville, Jacksonville (N.M., M. Benson, K. Bird, K.E., J. Permuy) - both in Florida; the Barbara Davis Center for Diabetes, University of Colorado, Aurora (R.P.W., G.F., R.S., L.H.M., E.C., V.N.S., S.P.); Stanford University School of Medicine, Palo Alto (B.B., R.L., L.E., M.S.H., M. Basina), Children's Hospital of Orange County, Orange (M.D., A. Bhangoo, N.F., H.K., F.S.), and the University of California, San Diego, La Jolla (J. Pettus, S.B.) - all in California; Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland (K.Z., B.H., L.O.); University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas (P.R., P.C.W., A. Choudhary, J. Penn), and University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio (J.L., R.J., M.R., E.E., C.K., R.F.-P.); the University of Washington, Seattle (I.B.H., S.T.); the Naomi Berrie Diabetes Center, Columbia University, New York (R.G., K.M.W., N.L.); the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (J.B.B., M.S.K., K. Bergamo, K.R.K., J.M.D., S. Machineni, L.A.Y., J.C.D.); the Henry Ford Health System, Detroit (D.K., A. Bhan, J.K.J.); Emory University, Atlanta (A.M., K.C., E.F.); Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis (J.B.M., M.S., J.M.S., S.A., A. Cedeno); Children's National Hospital, Washington, DC (F.C., S. Meighan, A.D.); and the Pritzker Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Health, Ann and Robert Lurie Children's Hospital, Chicago (J.W.-B.).
Salam M; The authors' affiliations are as follows: the Diabetes Research Center, Massachusetts General Hospital (S.J.R., C.A.B., J.S.S., L.E.C., M.A.H., M.T., M.S.P., M.Y.S.), and Boston University (E.R.D.), Boston, and Beta Bionics, Concord (E.R.D., F.H.E.-K.) - all in Massachusetts; the Jaeb Center for Health Research, Tampa (R.W.B., K.J.R., Z.L., P.C.), and Nemours Children's Health Jacksonville, Jacksonville (N.M., M. Benson, K. Bird, K.E., J. Permuy) - both in Florida; the Barbara Davis Center for Diabetes, University of Colorado, Aurora (R.P.W., G.F., R.S., L.H.M., E.C., V.N.S., S.P.); Stanford University School of Medicine, Palo Alto (B.B., R.L., L.E., M.S.H., M. Basina), Children's Hospital of Orange County, Orange (M.D., A. Bhangoo, N.F., H.K., F.S.), and the University of California, San Diego, La Jolla (J. Pettus, S.B.) - all in California; Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland (K.Z., B.H., L.O.); University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas (P.R., P.C.W., A. Choudhary, J. Penn), and University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio (J.L., R.J., M.R., E.E., C.K., R.F.-P.); the University of Washington, Seattle (I.B.H., S.T.); the Naomi Berrie Diabetes Center, Columbia University, New York (R.G., K.M.W., N.L.); the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (J.B.B., M.S.K., K. Bergamo, K.R.K., J.M.D., S. Machineni, L.A.Y., J.C.D.); the Henry Ford Health System, Detroit (D.K., A. Bhan, J.K.J.); Emory University, Atlanta (A.M., K.C., E.F.); Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis (J.B.M., M.S., J.M.S., S.A., A. Cedeno); Children's National Hospital, Washington, DC (F.C., S. Meighan, A.D.); and the Pritzker Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Health, Ann and Robert Lurie Children's Hospital, Chicago (J.W.-B.).
Silverstein JM; The authors' affiliations are as follows: the Diabetes Research Center, Massachusetts General Hospital (S.J.R., C.A.B., J.S.S., L.E.C., M.A.H., M.T., M.S.P., M.Y.S.), and Boston University (E.R.D.), Boston, and Beta Bionics, Concord (E.R.D., F.H.E.-K.) - all in Massachusetts; the Jaeb Center for Health Research, Tampa (R.W.B., K.J.R., Z.L., P.C.), and Nemours Children's Health Jacksonville, Jacksonville (N.M., M. Benson, K. Bird, K.E., J. Permuy) - both in Florida; the Barbara Davis Center for Diabetes, University of Colorado, Aurora (R.P.W., G.F., R.S., L.H.M., E.C., V.N.S., S.P.); Stanford University School of Medicine, Palo Alto (B.B., R.L., L.E., M.S.H., M. Basina), Children's Hospital of Orange County, Orange (M.D., A. Bhangoo, N.F., H.K., F.S.), and the University of California, San Diego, La Jolla (J. Pettus, S.B.) - all in California; Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland (K.Z., B.H., L.O.); University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas (P.R., P.C.W., A. Choudhary, J. Penn), and University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio (J.L., R.J., M.R., E.E., C.K., R.F.-P.); the University of Washington, Seattle (I.B.H., S.T.); the Naomi Berrie Diabetes Center, Columbia University, New York (R.G., K.M.W., N.L.); the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (J.B.B., M.S.K., K. Bergamo, K.R.K., J.M.D., S. Machineni, L.A.Y., J.C.D.); the Henry Ford Health System, Detroit (D.K., A. Bhan, J.K.J.); Emory University, Atlanta (A.M., K.C., E.F.); Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis (J.B.M., M.S., J.M.S., S.A., A. Cedeno); Children's National Hospital, Washington, DC (F.C., S. Meighan, A.D.); and the Pritzker Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Health, Ann and Robert Lurie Children's Hospital, Chicago (J.W.-B.).
Adamson S; The authors' affiliations are as follows: the Diabetes Research Center, Massachusetts General Hospital (S.J.R., C.A.B., J.S.S., L.E.C., M.A.H., M.T., M.S.P., M.Y.S.), and Boston University (E.R.D.), Boston, and Beta Bionics, Concord (E.R.D., F.H.E.-K.) - all in Massachusetts; the Jaeb Center for Health Research, Tampa (R.W.B., K.J.R., Z.L., P.C.), and Nemours Children's Health Jacksonville, Jacksonville (N.M., M. Benson, K. Bird, K.E., J. Permuy) - both in Florida; the Barbara Davis Center for Diabetes, University of Colorado, Aurora (R.P.W., G.F., R.S., L.H.M., E.C., V.N.S., S.P.); Stanford University School of Medicine, Palo Alto (B.B., R.L., L.E., M.S.H., M. Basina), Children's Hospital of Orange County, Orange (M.D., A. Bhangoo, N.F., H.K., F.S.), and the University of California, San Diego, La Jolla (J. Pettus, S.B.) - all in California; Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland (K.Z., B.H., L.O.); University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas (P.R., P.C.W., A. Choudhary, J. Penn), and University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio (J.L., R.J., M.R., E.E., C.K., R.F.-P.); the University of Washington, Seattle (I.B.H., S.T.); the Naomi Berrie Diabetes Center, Columbia University, New York (R.G., K.M.W., N.L.); the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (J.B.B., M.S.K., K. Bergamo, K.R.K., J.M.D., S. Machineni, L.A.Y., J.C.D.); the Henry Ford Health System, Detroit (D.K., A. Bhan, J.K.J.); Emory University, Atlanta (A.M., K.C., E.F.); Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis (J.B.M., M.S., J.M.S., S.A., A. Cedeno); Children's National Hospital, Washington, DC (F.C., S. Meighan, A.D.); and the Pritzker Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Health, Ann and Robert Lurie Children's Hospital, Chicago (J.W.-B.).
Cedeno A; The authors' affiliations are as follows: the Diabetes Research Center, Massachusetts General Hospital (S.J.R., C.A.B., J.S.S., L.E.C., M.A.H., M.T., M.S.P., M.Y.S.), and Boston University (E.R.D.), Boston, and Beta Bionics, Concord (E.R.D., F.H.E.-K.) - all in Massachusetts; the Jaeb Center for Health Research, Tampa (R.W.B., K.J.R., Z.L., P.C.), and Nemours Children's Health Jacksonville, Jacksonville (N.M., M. Benson, K. Bird, K.E., J. Permuy) - both in Florida; the Barbara Davis Center for Diabetes, University of Colorado, Aurora (R.P.W., G.F., R.S., L.H.M., E.C., V.N.S., S.P.); Stanford University School of Medicine, Palo Alto (B.B., R.L., L.E., M.S.H., M. Basina), Children's Hospital of Orange County, Orange (M.D., A. Bhangoo, N.F., H.K., F.S.), and the University of California, San Diego, La Jolla (J. Pettus, S.B.) - all in California; Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland (K.Z., B.H., L.O.); University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas (P.R., P.C.W., A. Choudhary, J. Penn), and University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio (J.L., R.J., M.R., E.E., C.K., R.F.-P.); the University of Washington, Seattle (I.B.H., S.T.); the Naomi Berrie Diabetes Center, Columbia University, New York (R.G., K.M.W., N.L.); the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (J.B.B., M.S.K., K. Bergamo, K.R.K., J.M.D., S. Machineni, L.A.Y., J.C.D.); the Henry Ford Health System, Detroit (D.K., A. Bhan, J.K.J.); Emory University, Atlanta (A.M., K.C., E.F.); Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis (J.B.M., M.S., J.M.S., S.A., A. Cedeno); Children's National Hospital, Washington, DC (F.C., S. Meighan, A.D.); and the Pritzker Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Health, Ann and Robert Lurie Children's Hospital, Chicago (J.W.-B.).
Meighan S; The authors' affiliations are as follows: the Diabetes Research Center, Massachusetts General Hospital (S.J.R., C.A.B., J.S.S., L.E.C., M.A.H., M.T., M.S.P., M.Y.S.), and Boston University (E.R.D.), Boston, and Beta Bionics, Concord (E.R.D., F.H.E.-K.) - all in Massachusetts; the Jaeb Center for Health Research, Tampa (R.W.B., K.J.R., Z.L., P.C.), and Nemours Children's Health Jacksonville, Jacksonville (N.M., M. Benson, K. Bird, K.E., J. Permuy) - both in Florida; the Barbara Davis Center for Diabetes, University of Colorado, Aurora (R.P.W., G.F., R.S., L.H.M., E.C., V.N.S., S.P.); Stanford University School of Medicine, Palo Alto (B.B., R.L., L.E., M.S.H., M. Basina), Children's Hospital of Orange County, Orange (M.D., A. Bhangoo, N.F., H.K., F.S.), and the University of California, San Diego, La Jolla (J. Pettus, S.B.) - all in California; Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland (K.Z., B.H., L.O.); University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas (P.R., P.C.W., A. Choudhary, J. Penn), and University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio (J.L., R.J., M.R., E.E., C.K., R.F.-P.); the University of Washington, Seattle (I.B.H., S.T.); the Naomi Berrie Diabetes Center, Columbia University, New York (R.G., K.M.W., N.L.); the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (J.B.B., M.S.K., K. Bergamo, K.R.K., J.M.D., S. Machineni, L.A.Y., J.C.D.); the Henry Ford Health System, Detroit (D.K., A. Bhan, J.K.J.); Emory University, Atlanta (A.M., K.C., E.F.); Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis (J.B.M., M.S., J.M.S., S.A., A. Cedeno); Children's National Hospital, Washington, DC (F.C., S. Meighan, A.D.); and the Pritzker Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Health, Ann and Robert Lurie Children's Hospital, Chicago (J.W.-B.).
Dauber A; The authors' affiliations are as follows: the Diabetes Research Center, Massachusetts General Hospital (S.J.R., C.A.B., J.S.S., L.E.C., M.A.H., M.T., M.S.P., M.Y.S.), and Boston University (E.R.D.), Boston, and Beta Bionics, Concord (E.R.D., F.H.E.-K.) - all in Massachusetts; the Jaeb Center for Health Research, Tampa (R.W.B., K.J.R., Z.L., P.C.), and Nemours Children's Health Jacksonville, Jacksonville (N.M., M. Benson, K. Bird, K.E., J. Permuy) - both in Florida; the Barbara Davis Center for Diabetes, University of Colorado, Aurora (R.P.W., G.F., R.S., L.H.M., E.C., V.N.S., S.P.); Stanford University School of Medicine, Palo Alto (B.B., R.L., L.E., M.S.H., M. Basina), Children's Hospital of Orange County, Orange (M.D., A. Bhangoo, N.F., H.K., F.S.), and the University of California, San Diego, La Jolla (J. Pettus, S.B.) - all in California; Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland (K.Z., B.H., L.O.); University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas (P.R., P.C.W., A. Choudhary, J. Penn), and University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio (J.L., R.J., M.R., E.E., C.K., R.F.-P.); the University of Washington, Seattle (I.B.H., S.T.); the Naomi Berrie Diabetes Center, Columbia University, New York (R.G., K.M.W., N.L.); the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (J.B.B., M.S.K., K. Bergamo, K.R.K., J.M.D., S. Machineni, L.A.Y., J.C.D.); the Henry Ford Health System, Detroit (D.K., A. Bhan, J.K.J.); Emory University, Atlanta (A.M., K.C., E.F.); Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis (J.B.M., M.S., J.M.S., S.A., A. Cedeno); Children's National Hospital, Washington, DC (F.C., S. Meighan, A.D.); and the Pritzker Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Health, Ann and Robert Lurie Children's Hospital, Chicago (J.W.-B.).
DB Label
Database : MEDLINE


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